Saturday, December 31, 2011
Puppy Sitting on a Chair Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Riding That K9 Buddy Train! Part 4

Hey, move over!
They curled up and slept the entire way...not even a peep from either of them.

That's not a "peep" -- it's a yawn...
We made one pit-stop along the way for relieving and a short walk and then arrived at our meeting place (McDonalds off of I-10 freeway) at 11:00.
Natura with Steve Sloane
Randy was there waiting and the pups had a great time meeting his career change dog, Ocho. Again, some water and walking around and at 11:30 Leg 5 began.
Natura with Randy Glover
Friday was quite perplexed--wondering why all her buddies were disappearing. But, we took her for a nice walk and lunch break in Palm Springs before we headed back to Calabasas where we picked up Carnival and returned home.We were amazed at how quickly the day passed. It was such a special day, and yet it's already over. We will remember this experience as a high point of our partnership with Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Steve and Bonnie Sloane with Natura
We wish Natura and Zach the best; we know they'll be great friends. And most of all, how wonderful it is for Natura to have found such a special "forever home!"
Co-pilot and pilot
From Randy Glover (at 2 a.m.): Puppies are asleep, I am really is a dog's life.
You're getting sleepy...very sleepy...
Natura is such a good girl. She and Ocho had the same papa...Tiberon...
Yay, New Mexico!
From Sandi Alsworth: Randy and I left Mesa this am at 7:00.We are currently in Tucson stopping to relieve Natura an will be on our way again shortly. Lone Star State here we come!
From Beth and Dave Adams (Natura's puppy raisers): Woohoo! Can’t wait - Puppy Train! We’re ready and waiting here in Texas! Be Safe! Zach and Natura’s Dream Team – making this happen! You’re all the BEST!
Check out the map to trace Natura's journey! San Rafael, CA --Mountain View -- San Luis Obispo -- Calabasas -- Palm Springs --Mesa, AZ -- Odessa, TX -- Dallas and Lewisville, TX.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Riding That K9 Buddy Train! Part 3
From Sandi Alsworth: I received an email from Jack Brey this afternoon prior to “his turn” at the relay. He was at his appointed rendezvous point early because he was too excited to wait! This was accompanied by photos both him with a big grin on his face, and a picture of his car. I had to laugh.
Unfortunately, we ran into heavy rush hour traffic (I was probably the only one in traffic who was happy) and didn't get to Steve and Bonnie's until about 7.
I wasn't sure of their address and drove by them a couple of times while they were jumping and waving at me. We finally made the connection.
Natura was a gem and slept the whole way except for one potty and water break. Natura fit in with Steve, Bonnie, and their pups right away.
Loved the whole experience. Thank you for letting me help. Tell Zack he's got a great "Buddy" and if he takes care of her she truly will be his best friend.
Bonnie and Steve Sloane wrote: We thought we'd give you an update for the end of Day One. Natura arrived here via Anne, Ursula, and Jack around 7 p.m. She was met and joyfully greeted by Carnival (our 18-month old career change pup) and Friday (our 5-month old puppy-in-training). So our household is now full of active female Lab puppies!!!!! They are learning to get along and are playing together with our toys. Natura ate her dinner with enthusiasm and doesn't seem at all bothered by her long driving trip.
Bonnie and Steve
Rise and Shine, Natura... more adventures await...
Christmas Love

“Tis the season to be jolly….”
All puppy raisers for Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) know that nothing brings a smile to a person’s face faster than when a Guide Dog puppy enters the room. The puppies have a way of making hospital patients feel better and leave senior citizens with pleasant memories. Young children respond in amazement as the puppies in green jackets walk into a store. Whether young or old, all respond the same way – with smiles and cheer.
The puppies seem to be able to break through to people who are severely developmentally disabled . While most of the time, these are people seem locked inside, unable to communicate or respond to the world around them, something wonderous takes place in the presence of a Guide Dog puppy.
For the past 12 years during the holiday season, GDB puppy raisers in Carson City, Nevada, have taken their pups to visit a residential facility for people with severe mental retardation. We go to sing Christmas carols and to bring puppy cheer.
Even though most of us can’t carry a tune, we go each year just to watch the way our puppies respond to these special people and the way the residents respond back. You can see a slight awareness as a resident’s hand touches a puppy’s fur. A puppy kiss brings a reaction that can only be described as magical.
Some of the club’s career changed dogs, now certified as therapy dogs, also attend. Together puppy raisers and Guide Dog puppies are bringing the spirit of the holidays to a group of very special people.

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Riding that K9 Buddy Train! Part 2

Already she's a celebrity! Before our yellow Lab K9 Buddy dog Natura left on the first leg of her journey, she decided to help us tell her tale (with wagging tail) to the world!
Raiser/driver Anne Touloukian drove in all the way from Lincoln, California, (north of Sacramento) to pick up Natura and drive her to Mountain View, California. But they stopped for a moment to talk with KTVU (FOX), and the news segment aired at noon!

Anne also brought Natura a surprise -- her fluffy Golden puppy Flurry -- to keep her company.

We can't wait to hear from Anne and find out what happened along the way. Look at this map of the trip...

Riding that K9 Buddy Train! Part 1
In recent months, Zach Thibodeaux's eyesight has deteriorated rapidly, the result of a condition called cone-rod dystrophy that will leave him mostly or totally blind. The 9-year-old from Lewisville, Texas, has been preparing for life without vision by learning to walk with a cane. He and his family applied to Guide Dogs for the Blind to get a K9 Buddy dog. Zach is about to be surprised when he soon gets his wish.

So, with Natura ready to become a K9 Buddy, and Zach needing one, the only problem became how to get her to Zach? GDB Community Field Representative Sandi Alsworth hatched a plan to create a “puppy train” of relay drivers (volunteer puppy raisers in several states) to transport the dog by car through each leg of her journey to Zach and his family. Thinking it would be a tough task, especially during the holidays, she was surprised by the outpouring of support from our puppy raising volunteers.
This morning, December 29, Natura started her journey to Zach. She'll arrive to surprise him on Sunday, January 1. Can you keep a secret? If so, we'll continue to bring you updates along the way contributed by members of our GDB Family -- people brought together, as so often happens here, through the shared love of a dog.
What is a K9 Buddy, you may ask? Find out! Watch this video to learn more!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
How To Be A Responsible Dog Breeder
How To Be A Responsible Dog Breeder
Dog breeding is a great and very responsible work to do. If you decided to be a dog breeder, then you must go through to the dog breeds portal to get adequate knowledge and handy tips on how to be a responsible dog breeder.
How To Be A Responsible Dog Breeder
Tips to become a responsible dog breeder
The first most important tip towards a responsible dog breeder is to focus on quality rather than quantity. Research,research and research is must to be a responsible dog breeder. Research on dog breeds and dog breeding methods will help you to understand different breeds of dogs. It will also help you in deciding a best mate for bred. There are number of dog breeds websites which can give you adequate information on dogs breeds and about dog breeding.Shih Tzu Dogs
General appearance of Shih Tzu dogs: The long flowing double coat of Shih Tzu dogs is their significant feature which distinguishes these dogs from other breeds. Shih Tzu has a short muzzle with large dark eyes. Ears are dropped, covered with long fur. The tail of Shih Tzu dogs are heavily furred and curled from the back. The Shih Tzu dogs are in many colors. A blaze of white is a common color of Shih Tzu dogs.
Temperament of Shih Tzu dogs: Shih Tzu dogs are strong and compact body dogs with humble and caring nature. They are best companions and family dogs. They love to stay indoors with their owner’s family. They are keen, alert and intelligent. Shih Tzu dogs are also good watch dogs. They can’t live alone and may be destructive if left alone for long period. They want to stay with their owners. Although, they are docile and quite but love to play games and enjoy lively activities. They love to be treated a royals as they are also known as small lion dogs.
Activities for Shih Tzu dogs: Despite of a noble and arrogant nature, Shih Tzu dogs love daily walks and vigorous in door games and play. They also enjoy a good romp in a safe open area.
Grooming of Shih Tzu dogs: Being a noble and small lion dog, Shih Tzu need lot of grooming and care from his owner. Daily grooming is essential for Shih Tzu dogs. Brush his coat daily with a bristle brush. Ear passages and eyes should eb clean on daily basis. Shih Tzu dogs shed very little. So, they consider as hypoallergenic. Shih Tzu can gain weight easily so avoid over eating. Regular dental checkup is also recommended.
Heath issues: Shih Tzu dogs don’t have any major health issues. Some minor health issues are like: renal cortical hypoplasia, entropion, trichiasis, PRA, KCS, CHD, otitis externa, portacaval shunt, inguinal hernias.
Living conditions for Shih Tzu dogs: Shih Tzu can easily live in small places like apartments. They love to stay indoors and quite active in an indoor environment. They can’t stay long in heat. Cool weather conditions are best for this small lion dog.
Life expectancy: 15 years
Rottweiler Dog
Information on Cute Maltese Dogs
Information on Cute Maltese Dogs
Summary: Maltese dogs are famous because of their terrific looks and personality. Moreover, the silky white coat of Maltese dogs grabs the attraction and attention of potential owners at once.With an elegant looks and juvenile delicacy, the Maltese dogs were the beloved companions of prince and princess from some 2,000 years.
Personality of Maltese dogs
Maltese are dogs which need pampering attention and lot of care. They need security and presence of their owner at their side. Lots of attention and love make them kind and gentle as usual. Despite of their good manners, Maltese dogs need respect and good amount of time for treatment and training.Physical features of Maltese dogs
The head of the Maltese dogs are medium sized with rounded skulls. Muzzle is tampered. Ears hang fairly. The nose and eyes are black in color. Neck is quite long. The plumed tail carries over their back. They have gentle, fine silky white coat. The silky white coat is the hall mark of Maltese dogs.Grooming of Maltese dogs: Maltese dogs have very soft and fine coat. Daily but gentle brushing and combing is necessary. Clean them after each meal to avoid stains. Bath or dry shampoo daily is also must. They are low shedder so suitable for allergy sufferers also.