Little Dog Sleeping Soundly Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Little Dog Sleeping Soundly Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Little Dog Sleeping Soundly Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, April 30, 2012
Will Guide Dog Carlo Win the Hero Dog Awards?

Carlo is a six-year-old Guide Dog that has made an unbelievable difference in my life. I have lost my vision gradually and started using a white cane fifteen years ago. After falling down some stairs on my way home from work and suffering an injury that required surgery to repair, I decided I needed more than a cane. I got Carlo.
My cane has been collecting dust ever since. I commute over 20 miles to work five days a week. Carlo guides me on my twenty-five minute walk to and from the train station and around my rather large office building. He even guides me through the crowded, narrow and uneven sidewalks in San Francisco’s Chinatown to go to lunch with colleagues. Bumps, bruises and more serious injuries are things of the past. When people ask “Has Carlo ever saved your life?” I answer,“Every day!”
Technology, such as screen-reading software, has extended my career in IT, but without Carlo, I doubt that I would have the necessary mobility to continue. We go everywhere together. Besides work, he takes me to the grocery store, to get my hair cut, to visit friends, to medical appointments and more. We have travelled to Hawaii, Las Vegas and all over the State of California. We have even gone off-road – hiking in the Sierra Nevada and other places.
He gives me the confidence to go where I want to go and I do so feeling safe in his paws. --Timothy Godecker in Walnut Creek, California
Will Guide Dog Carlo win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
White Dog in the Garden Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
White Dog in the Garden Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see White Dog in the Garden Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of White Dog in the Garden Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Shiba Inu Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Shiba Inu Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Shiba Inu Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Shiba Inu Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Breeder's Digest for February 2012
Litter Announcements
Labrador Retrievers
- 2/1/12 Cabby x Luana – 1 female – litter letter “L” (Note: the single Luana puppy was raised by Beatrice, whelp date in January)
- 2/2/12 Tito x Denisha – 5 males, 1 female – litter letter “N”
- 2/3/12 Carnegie x Zante – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “O”
- 2/8/12 Carnegie x Nell – 1 male, 5 females – litter letter “P”
- 2/13/12 Joplin x Albertine – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “S”
- 2/19/12 Denzel x Darby – 4 males, 3 females – litter letter “B”
- 2/21/12 Ozzie x Anadale – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “V”
- 2/25/12 Simon x Salina – 3 males, 6 females – litter letter “A”
Labrador Retriever-Golden Retriever Crosses
New Breeders
Labrador Retrievers
- Janai – raised in AZ
- Lucille – raised in WA
- Peeko – raised in AZ
Golden Retrievers
- Amador – raised in CA
- Amaya – raised in CA
Designated for Possible International Donation
- Lychee – raised in WA
- Zara – raised in CA
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Cute Dog Brings Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Dog Brings Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Dog Brings Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Dog Brings Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
This week!
Get $3 OFF all grooming brushes! In store stock only.
Come in and check out our GREAT selection!
~ Keep those tails wagging!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Will Guide Dog Balsam Win the Hero Dog Awards?
Balsam and I are graduates of Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California. In 2008, I was run off the road by a truck, totaled my car and ended up with a severe head injury leading to a stroke. Lucky to be alive, I sustained an acute loss of peripheral vision resulting in a status of "legally blind".
While I was hospitalized, my 15-year-old niece contacted Guide Dogs for the Blind and placed me on a waiting list for a Guide Dog. Six months later, I entered into the program and was introduced to the most wonderful dog in the world!
After three weeks of training (for me not the dog), we arrived home with a new lease on life. As you might expect, coping with life-changing condition such as blindness tends to be a bit depressing.
Balsam accompanies me every day and has allowed me to travel internationally and independently with confidence. Balsam has given me the strength and ability to move on with my life in countless ways.
I am thankful to Balsam and Guide Dogs for the Blind for helping me move on with my life and making me whole. --Joseph Landau of Long Beach, California
Will Guide Dog Balsam win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
While I was hospitalized, my 15-year-old niece contacted Guide Dogs for the Blind and placed me on a waiting list for a Guide Dog. Six months later, I entered into the program and was introduced to the most wonderful dog in the world!
After three weeks of training (for me not the dog), we arrived home with a new lease on life. As you might expect, coping with life-changing condition such as blindness tends to be a bit depressing.
Balsam accompanies me every day and has allowed me to travel internationally and independently with confidence. Balsam has given me the strength and ability to move on with my life in countless ways.
I am thankful to Balsam and Guide Dogs for the Blind for helping me move on with my life and making me whole. --Joseph Landau of Long Beach, California
Will Guide Dog Balsam win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Purchase Treats for Your Dog and Feed One in Need at the Same Time!

Darford Treats!
These treats, available at WAG, are great! Not only do the dogs LOVE them (Max and Exuma included) but they also help shelter dogs in need.
Here's how it works:
Purchase these delicious treats at Wag (available in Liva Hearts, Lamb & Venison, Turkey & Duck, Sardine & Whitefish and Trout & Shrimp) - $9.49each.
Once your dog has had a taste (and subsequently begs for more), look for the redemption code - usually a 5 digit number (found near the expiry date) on the package.
Go to and fill in the required info!
What's nice is you even get to choose where your donation goes! Or you can pick "Any dog in need".
Darford Treats - not only does your dog get to enjoy delicious treats, you are helping shelter dog's in need.
~Keep those tails wagging!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
A Dalmatian Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds
A Dalmatian Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see A Dalmatian Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of A Dalmatian Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Friday, April 20, 2012
Cute Puppies Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Puppies Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Puppies Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Puppies Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Change of Careers for Olympic Guide Dog

Carole Aubrey, now a member of the Rogue Valley (Oregon) Kennel Club, and adopter of “career change” male yellow Labrador retriever, “Olympic”, recently updated GDB about her dog’s new job: “Olympic now has his therapy dog certificate through Therapy Dogs Incorporated, and he proudly wears a little red heart on his collar when he does his very important work in the community: On Mondays Olympic (we call him “Oly” for short) goes to the Lincoln Elementary School in Grants Pass, Oregon, and second graders read to him --- each child for twenty minutes --- three children over a one-hour time period. Then every Tuesday Oly goes to the Josephine County library (also in Grant’s Pass) to participate in the K9 Reading Buddy Program --- children of all ages read to him.” (For people who may not be familiar with these reading programs, the idea behind them is that many children can learn to read aloud better when they read to an always attentive, never critical, furry canine listener --- as opposed to reading to teachers, or to classmates who may seem less interested and less tolerant of a reader’s performance than the dog is.)
Per Carol, “Other days Oly goes to schools, rest homes, and assisted living centers around our town to educate the public, produce smiles, and participate in programs that teach people about dogs, their work, and all the goodness that they can share. He is so well suited for this new job! He loves it --- and it is a giant source of enjoyment for me as you might expect! I just love him every day! “
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, April 16, 2012
Great Bulldog Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Great Bulldog Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Great Bulldog Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Great Bulldog Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Will Guide Dog Atticus Win the Hero Dog Awards?

Atticus and I have been a team since Valentine’s Day 2003. During our seven years together, Atticus has not only been a hero to me, but many others as well.
Atticus has traveled the world with me and kept me safe from the ruins of Rome to the beaches of Cozumel. Atticus does all the usual, but performs best in a crowded situation.
Being a Disabled American Veteran I have had the opportunity, with Atticus by my side, to show everyone what a blind veteran is capable of. Atticus has attended numerous veteran associated conventions and participated in many ceremonies. He shines his brightest when performing as part of a Color Guard or leading me in Memorial Services for fallen veterans. Atticus holds honorary memberships in the DAV, VFW, VVA and Elks Lodge.
Atticus has always protected me and kept me safe. In Sacramento, he kept me from walking off an unprotected five-foot embankment, by holding fast to his training in intelligent disobedience. I kept telling him forward; he wouldn’t go. I thought I was fine, Atticus knew better. Numerous times Atticus has pulled me from harm’s way.
Atticus is a proud volunteer with me at the Sepulveda VA and has played the role of therapy dog for our veterans in the Nursing home. When we are out and about, Atticus puts a smile on people’s faces. Atticus is not just a Guide Dog, he is a Hero and an Ambassador for service dogs everywhere. -- Veteran James Hogan in Canyon Country, California
Will Guide Dog Atticus win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and share!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Big Eyes Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Big Eyes Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Big Eyes Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Big Eyes Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Guide Dogs for the Blind Welcomes Alaska Airlines!

Alaska Airlines team member interacts with Guide Dog in training
by Sierra Fish
Last week Guide Dogs for the Blind had the honor of hosting Alaska Airlines at our campus headquarters in San Rafael. About 30 members of the regional management operations team arrived for an afternoon of educational awareness, beginning with a panel presentation by GDB staff members in which various departments and programs were highlighted. Alaska Airlines team members were able to interact with GDB Canine Welfare Technicians and dogs in training, as well as take a tour of the campus. One of the highlights of the day was for each of them to experience walking with a Guide Dog in its final stages of training while accompanied by our instructors. “Our folks were truly enlightened and inspired,” said Michele Harris, Alaska Airlines Customer Service Supervisor.
Alaska Airlines has been a wonderful supporter of GDB and has demonstrated outstanding customer service when flying our staff members and dogs. We look forward to continuing our relationship and having the opportunity to encourage best practices at airports for those traveling who are blind and visually impaired. “I believe it opened many eyes for the management team at Alaska Airlines and allowed for an understanding on a deeper level,” said Bill Essick, Alaska Airlines Passenger Sales and Community Marketing Manager.

Karen Schierholtz, Alaska Airlines Regional Sales Manager and Guide Dog in training

Alaska Airlines team member has a Guide Dog experience with Darren Walsh, Master Instructor

Michele Harris, Alaska Airlines Customer Service Supervisor has a Guide Dog experience with Gayle Olmstead, Master Instructor

Alaska Airlines team member has a Guide Dog experience with Paolo Pompanin, Master Instructor

Thank you, Alaska Airlines for visiting and supporting Guide Dogs for the Blind!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Guide Dog Puppies Visit the Airport

by Barbara Edwards, GDB Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Elk Grove Puppy Raisers
The Elk Grove Puppies with a Vision recently went on a tour of the Sacramento International Airport's new Terminal B. This addition to the airport provides great opportunities for our puppies to get some exposure to the airport process for flying passengers. We were able to ride the new shuttle that ferry's passengers from the terminal to the gate area. The puppies also experienced going through security and getting patted down when the alarm went off because of their collars and leashes. They all handled it really well. Most of them were able to go into a sit/stay while their handlers walked through the scanner and then they responded extremely well to the recall command to go through the scanner. Once we all cleared security, we were able to walk down to the gate area. Upon exiting the terminal, the puppies were able to experience a ride on the inter-terminal shuttle and finished up with a walk around Terminal A and the parking garage.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Brown Dog Funny Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Brown Dog Funny Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Brown Dog Funny Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Brown Dog Funny Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Beautiful Dog Shoes
Beautiful Dog Shoes
Dog lovers try their best to costume their dogs with proper care. A lot of products are available to full fill this need of dogs. To comfort the dogs and look pretty beautiful dog shoes are very important.
Beautiful Dog shoes protect the dogs feet, from not only damage of their paws but also save them from severe seasonal conditions. Because dogs paw damage lead to serious illness and more medical complications. Beautiful dog shoes save them from sharp stones, broken glass and cuts.
Beautiful Dog shoe prevent their paws from getting burns and toxic chemicals. Sometimes slippery wooden and tiles are dangerous for dog but dog shoe help them to walk safely. Dog are habitual of licking and chewing their paws, dog shoe secure them from allergies. In severe hot and cold weathers Beautiful dog shoes are great protector for dog paws.
You can get different kind of "beautiful dog shoe" that are easily available at dog stores. Such as fashion dog shoes, protective dog shoes, orthopedic dog shoes and seasonal dog shoes.
Guide Dog Puppies Join Easter Egg Hunts with Blind Children
Several Guide Dog puppy raising clubs in the Greater Seattle Area participated in an Easter Egg Hunt for visually impaired children. The event was held at the Green River Community Club in Tukwila, Washington and sponsored by the Century Link Telephone Pioneers. It was a fun outing with about 30 GDB puppies, lots of children and their parents. This year it was too wet out so the egg hunt was held indoors. The kids didn’t seem to mind at all.
The Easter Bunny this year was Kara Teachman, member of PUPS2C4U Club.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Brown and Dalmatian Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Brown and Dalmatian Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Brown and Dalmatian Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Brown and Dalmatian Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Calm White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Calm White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Calm White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Calm White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Will Guide Dogs for the Blind Win the Hero Dog Awards?

Some people say the relationship is closer than a marriage, because they're with their dogs 24/7, they get unconditional love, and their dogs never say, "Those pants make you look fat."
Just kidding.
We're going to be introducing you to one of our contestants each week,
We're going to be introducing you to one of our contestants each week,
but don't wait for us -- you can vote once each day for a dog from our school.
Maybe our Presidents should try this system...
Cast your votes for:
As far as we're concerned, all of our dogs are heroes
--each and every one--
so we're not playing favorites!
We want everyone to get out the vote for all of our dogs.
Will Guide Dogs for the Blind win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! We won last year, so it's up to you to take us to the red carpet.
Will Guide Dogs for the Blind win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! We won last year, so it's up to you to take us to the red carpet.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Guide Dogs for the Blind Wishes You a Happy Easter!

Dakota, Desmond and Culver say, "You can see on our faces we're egg-cited to wish you a tail waggin' Happy Easter!" Want more cuteness in your life? Become a Facebook fan of Guide Dogs for the Blind (
Friday, April 6, 2012
A Dog in front of Mirror Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
A Dog in front of Mirror Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see A Dog in front of Mirror Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of A Dog in front of Mirror Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Newshounds: Guide Dogs for the Blind in the News!
Come Fly with Us! Captain and Lorrie Sullenberger help raise funds for GDB veterinary care.
Zach and Natura in the news again! If you've been following the K9 Buddy Train story on our blog, here's the latest video update! Also, get the ebook Zach's Journey.
We're on!
GDB's Groundbreaking event for our new student residence: Marin Independent Journal,Marinscope newspapers , SFGate, PRWeb
Puppies promenade through San Jose Airport
GDB Career Change Dog honored in S. Oregon
Oregon graduation
Guide Dog training has tails wagging!
Zaffino not quite ready to become a Guide Dog
Todd Harding with Sampson: Life of devotion to others leads to moment in spotlight
GDB's Groundbreaking event for our new student residence: Marin Independent Journal,Marinscope newspapers , SFGate, PRWeb
Puppies promenade through San Jose Airport
GDB Career Change Dog honored in S. Oregon
Oregon graduation
Guide Dog training has tails wagging!
Zaffino not quite ready to become a Guide Dog
Todd Harding with Sampson: Life of devotion to others leads to moment in spotlight
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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