Stop in for a spooky night of fun with your dog! Prizes awarded for best costume, both canine and human, so all are welcome to dress up. Enjoy a tasty fall beverage and get in the Halloween spirit!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Halloween Costume Contest Goes to the Dogs!
By: Patti Ehle, GDB Utah Alumni Chapter Vice President of Greatest Paws on Earth
This Halloween costume contest clearly went to the dogs. On October 25th, approximately 50 puppy raisers and guide dog users joined together in Salt Lake City, UT for the third year of an outrageous Halloween costume contest. Special thanks to the GDB puppy raising club, Paws to Love, who led the event! Also making an appearance was Lauren Ross, GDB Field Service Manager from Chicago who has been working in Utah with guide dog users this month, and Lauren Grimditch, GDB Community Field Representative, who was there visiting from Colorado.
For the contest, there were 3 categories of costumes: Namesake, Halloween and Team. First place for the Halloween category was Gwen with the Starbarks costume (handled by puppy raiser Hannah Thompson). First place for the Team category was Smitty's Starwars costumes, and first place for the Namesake category was Rocket. The overall costume contest winner went to puppy raisers Megan and Haley with their puppies Paris, Denmark and Dinah dressed as Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, the three godmothers in Sleeping Beauty.
Prizes ranged from a large dog bed and dog treats to all sorts of dog goodies to make any puppy cheer! Even a Kindle was a huge surprise to the puppy raiser who excitedly received it. All prizes were generously donated from business like: R.C. Willey, Petsmart, Great Harvest, North American Pet Company, and many other wonderful supporters. Thank you all for coming out in style!
This Halloween costume contest clearly went to the dogs. On October 25th, approximately 50 puppy raisers and guide dog users joined together in Salt Lake City, UT for the third year of an outrageous Halloween costume contest. Special thanks to the GDB puppy raising club, Paws to Love, who led the event! Also making an appearance was Lauren Ross, GDB Field Service Manager from Chicago who has been working in Utah with guide dog users this month, and Lauren Grimditch, GDB Community Field Representative, who was there visiting from Colorado.
Every one of the 25 dogs was dressed and ready to shake a hula skirt or balance a coffee cup on their head for the judges. Everyone had clever costumes like GDB graduate Morris Bowman and his guide Daniel who wore formal wear with real doggie tails. Other highlights from the puppy raisers included: a Star Wars themed dog costume, Little Red Riding Hood, and Kermit the Frog. Puppy raisers Stephanie and Myka dressed Marigold with a marigold flower crown, and Karen Fuller's dog was dressed as a travel brochure. One of the youngest dogs was entered by The Davis family who dressed up Will, a very young Golden Retriever, in a football jersey that said “wide retriever.”
All photos by: Lisa Thompson
Friday, October 31, 2014
GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay Submission: How Do You Give Them Up?
By: Sophia Hamilton (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Overall Achievement)
“How will you give her up?” Everywhere I went this question was posed about Almond, the little guide dog puppy that stood by my side. Truthfully I had asked myself this same question countless times, and in the beginning I had no idea what the answer was.
Almond was the first of three puppies I raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I began raising puppies in 2009, when my 8th grade teacher assigned the project I was to complete over the course of my final year in grade school. I decided that training a guide dog puppy would be perfect. Becoming part of this organization has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I have done thus far in my life.
Throughout my four years of high school, I had puppies on campus with me from time to time. People would ask me all the time about the program and what my specific duties with these dogs were. Through this program I made connections with many people at my high school and in the community in general. One of my now closest friends, Kailee, and I met through GDB. She is a year below me in school and was inspired to join our local puppy club after seeing me at school with my second pup, Shimmer. Before joining the club, Kailee, like just about every other person asked the question, “How do you give these dogs up?” This time I finally had an answer, and I told the story of Almond’s graduation:
“Standing on stage, holding Almond’s leash in my hand for the last time, a shiver rippled down my spine. My fingers tightened around the leash as I fought back the tears that were threatening to overtake me any second. I was not ready to let my little girl go. As I listened to the voice of the woman who was to receive her, a wave of pride came over me. She said, ‘Without her, my dreams would never be fulfilled. Now I can go home with my little Almond and do all the things I want to without worrying how I will do them.’ I knew right then that I was able to give her up because all along she was never really mine to keep. I had raised her for a greater purpose, to give a person who is blind her mobility, and that day I let Almond go for the last time, knowing I had done just that.”
This story really inspired Kailee to go forward with her desire to raise a guide dog as she saw just how rewarding it can be.
My work with guide dog puppies has taught me persistence, perseverance, and patience. It has contributed greatly to who I am today, as it has shown me the joy that results from selflessness. Through my experiences I have found a passion in serving others. Although I am not certain of the career path I will follow, I know that many of the values and work ethics I will carry with me came from my involvement with GDB. Raising these dogs has shown me just how valuable serving and working with others is. Upon witnessing the strength and love of the partnerships of these individuals and their guides, my goal and desire to help improve the lives of others has been further solidified. I want to continue to experience the joy I get from taking part in changing a life.
Check out a video project Sophia created entitled, “Raising Three Guide Dog Puppies: Sophia’s Story,” on GDB’s YouTube channel here:
“How will you give her up?” Everywhere I went this question was posed about Almond, the little guide dog puppy that stood by my side. Truthfully I had asked myself this same question countless times, and in the beginning I had no idea what the answer was.
Almond was the first of three puppies I raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I began raising puppies in 2009, when my 8th grade teacher assigned the project I was to complete over the course of my final year in grade school. I decided that training a guide dog puppy would be perfect. Becoming part of this organization has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I have done thus far in my life.
Throughout my four years of high school, I had puppies on campus with me from time to time. People would ask me all the time about the program and what my specific duties with these dogs were. Through this program I made connections with many people at my high school and in the community in general. One of my now closest friends, Kailee, and I met through GDB. She is a year below me in school and was inspired to join our local puppy club after seeing me at school with my second pup, Shimmer. Before joining the club, Kailee, like just about every other person asked the question, “How do you give these dogs up?” This time I finally had an answer, and I told the story of Almond’s graduation:
“Standing on stage, holding Almond’s leash in my hand for the last time, a shiver rippled down my spine. My fingers tightened around the leash as I fought back the tears that were threatening to overtake me any second. I was not ready to let my little girl go. As I listened to the voice of the woman who was to receive her, a wave of pride came over me. She said, ‘Without her, my dreams would never be fulfilled. Now I can go home with my little Almond and do all the things I want to without worrying how I will do them.’ I knew right then that I was able to give her up because all along she was never really mine to keep. I had raised her for a greater purpose, to give a person who is blind her mobility, and that day I let Almond go for the last time, knowing I had done just that.”
This story really inspired Kailee to go forward with her desire to raise a guide dog as she saw just how rewarding it can be.
My work with guide dog puppies has taught me persistence, perseverance, and patience. It has contributed greatly to who I am today, as it has shown me the joy that results from selflessness. Through my experiences I have found a passion in serving others. Although I am not certain of the career path I will follow, I know that many of the values and work ethics I will carry with me came from my involvement with GDB. Raising these dogs has shown me just how valuable serving and working with others is. Upon witnessing the strength and love of the partnerships of these individuals and their guides, my goal and desire to help improve the lives of others has been further solidified. I want to continue to experience the joy I get from taking part in changing a life.
Check out a video project Sophia created entitled, “Raising Three Guide Dog Puppies: Sophia’s Story,” on GDB’s YouTube channel here:
Thursday, October 23, 2014
GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay Submission: The Triumph of Raising a Guide Dog Puppy
By: Skyler Howard (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Outstanding Essay)
Three freshman girls were sobbing uncontrollably in the school bathroom. “Why would he do it?” cried one. “How could this have happened?” whispered another. The news spread like wildfire throughout the school. By the end of the day, everyone had heard what happened: a freshman boy had killed himself.
The next morning, the hallways were silent. Words were either whispered or sobbed silently into a friend’s shoulder. The first bell rang and the noise was so loud it hit the walls and shattered into a million pieces. I made my way to English class with Triumph, the guide dog puppy I was raising, who was moving slowly by my side. The teacher was kind and decided not to give us a lecture. The class began to work on other homework or draw silently. Ten minutes into the period, three seniors drifted into the room and made a beeline toward Triumph. The quietly greeted me and Triumph, and then sat down on the floor with him. They stroked his paws and his head as he stared up at them with his large, understanding eyes.
“I wish I could stay here all day,” said one of the girls. The others agreed.
In spite of the tragedy of the situation, I couldn’t help but smiling a bit. When I looked at Triumph and the three seniors gathered around him, I could see the comfort he was giving to my classmates. Petting Triumph and sitting with him was making them hurt a little less. I could see that in their small smalls and hear that in their hushed voices directed toward the dog.
While raising a guide dog puppy, I have learned that it’s impossible for a puppy to influence just one person. Instead, a guide dog puppy influences a whole community. Triumph came to school with me every day and throughout the year he spent with me, I noticed just how much of an impact he made on my fellow students.
In my Japanese class, Triumph was the star of multiple skits. In my art and economics classes, he liked to sleep on the rug right in front of the door so that students were forced to stop and pet him when they walked into the classroom. In the hallways, many of my friends began to greet Triumph before even saying hi to me.
On the last day I had Triumph at school, my Japanese class had a party for me. We went out onto the tennis courts and everyone sat in a circle. Triumph slowly made his way from person to person, wagging his tail and calmly sniffing the face of each student. When class was over, everyone stood in two parallel lines and touched hands with the person across from them, forming a human tunnel for Triumph. The students cheered him through, and when he reached the middle he stopped and stretched. Butt in the air and tail wagging, he looked up at all the smiling faces above him. Everyone was so happy.
I began raising guide dog puppies because I have always loved dogs, but that is not why I continue to do it. Now I raise puppies because they have the ability to teach me so many things. Triumph taught me that sometimes a wagging tail is more comfort than another human voice, that people you barely know will stop and ask about your little dog in the green vest, and that an entire community can come together around a single dog.
Triumph also helped me discover what I want to do in my future. I plan to study animal behavior in college, and when I graduate I want to work at an animal shelter or train service dogs. Because of my experience raising guide dog puppies, I know that continuing to work with animals as an adult is what I want to do. Seeing the impact that a dog can have on a person’s life and on a community is truly amazing, and I know that I want to continue experiencing this miracle.
Three freshman girls were sobbing uncontrollably in the school bathroom. “Why would he do it?” cried one. “How could this have happened?” whispered another. The news spread like wildfire throughout the school. By the end of the day, everyone had heard what happened: a freshman boy had killed himself.
The next morning, the hallways were silent. Words were either whispered or sobbed silently into a friend’s shoulder. The first bell rang and the noise was so loud it hit the walls and shattered into a million pieces. I made my way to English class with Triumph, the guide dog puppy I was raising, who was moving slowly by my side. The teacher was kind and decided not to give us a lecture. The class began to work on other homework or draw silently. Ten minutes into the period, three seniors drifted into the room and made a beeline toward Triumph. The quietly greeted me and Triumph, and then sat down on the floor with him. They stroked his paws and his head as he stared up at them with his large, understanding eyes.
“I wish I could stay here all day,” said one of the girls. The others agreed.
In spite of the tragedy of the situation, I couldn’t help but smiling a bit. When I looked at Triumph and the three seniors gathered around him, I could see the comfort he was giving to my classmates. Petting Triumph and sitting with him was making them hurt a little less. I could see that in their small smalls and hear that in their hushed voices directed toward the dog.
While raising a guide dog puppy, I have learned that it’s impossible for a puppy to influence just one person. Instead, a guide dog puppy influences a whole community. Triumph came to school with me every day and throughout the year he spent with me, I noticed just how much of an impact he made on my fellow students.
In my Japanese class, Triumph was the star of multiple skits. In my art and economics classes, he liked to sleep on the rug right in front of the door so that students were forced to stop and pet him when they walked into the classroom. In the hallways, many of my friends began to greet Triumph before even saying hi to me.
On the last day I had Triumph at school, my Japanese class had a party for me. We went out onto the tennis courts and everyone sat in a circle. Triumph slowly made his way from person to person, wagging his tail and calmly sniffing the face of each student. When class was over, everyone stood in two parallel lines and touched hands with the person across from them, forming a human tunnel for Triumph. The students cheered him through, and when he reached the middle he stopped and stretched. Butt in the air and tail wagging, he looked up at all the smiling faces above him. Everyone was so happy.
I began raising guide dog puppies because I have always loved dogs, but that is not why I continue to do it. Now I raise puppies because they have the ability to teach me so many things. Triumph taught me that sometimes a wagging tail is more comfort than another human voice, that people you barely know will stop and ask about your little dog in the green vest, and that an entire community can come together around a single dog.
Triumph also helped me discover what I want to do in my future. I plan to study animal behavior in college, and when I graduate I want to work at an animal shelter or train service dogs. Because of my experience raising guide dog puppies, I know that continuing to work with animals as an adult is what I want to do. Seeing the impact that a dog can have on a person’s life and on a community is truly amazing, and I know that I want to continue experiencing this miracle.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Should you Feed your Dog Raw?
Thursday, October 23rd. 7:00-8:30
Come by for a discussion on the benefits of feeding your dog raw food. A representative from Nature's Variety will be here to answer all of your questions and provide some tasty samples for your dog!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Foggy Doggies Enjoy a Day at Angel Island
By: Maile George, Alumni Association Board Co-chair
Autumn is one of the best times of year on the San Francisco bay, and the Foggy Doggies day on the bay began promising pure magic. Members of this San Francisco Alumni chapter and their friends traveled via bus, rail, para transit and private car with their guide dogs from counties south, east and north of San Francisco and arrived on ferry docks in Oakland, San Francisco and Tiburon. Guide dogs confidently led their handlers along piers onto creaky gangways, beside other passengers and onto the ferry to seats where they were exposed to the salty air.
When the boats arrived, the guide dog teams disembarked and ranger/interpreter Casey Dexter Lee welcomed the Foggy Doggies ashore. One interesting fact about Angel Island is that no dogs are allowed except service dogs. After introductions, the group walked to picnic tables on which Casey had previously arranged various specimens of plants. The group enjoyed smelling, touching and looking at Eucalyptus pods and leaves, Toyon, Bay Laurel, Buckeye, Norfolk pine, Oak and many other native and non-native plants.

To illustrate the long history of Angel Island in a tactile way, Casey allowed each person to touch representative symbols of the history of Angel Island. She asked the group to identify what each object represented. There was a slightly concave wooden platter that was used for proofing bread, a canteen that could have belonged to a World War 1 veteran, a replica of a Japanese poem carved into the wall at the immigration detention station, and a Nike running shoe to symbolize the Nike Missile Base located on the island from 1954 until it was decommissioned in 1962. Finally, Casey treated the group to homemade silver dollar sized pancakes made from acorn flour she’d processed by pounding acorns into a meal. She processed it in a similar way to how the earliest inhabitants of Angel Island, the Native American Miwok did.
After this unique science and history lesson, Casey turned the group loose to eat lunch in Ayala Cove. Once again, guide dogs expertly guided their handlers past visitors eating grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, fish tacos, oysters on the half shell, chili, and sandwiches purchased from the café. After lunch, some guide dog teams headed off for a hike, while others relaxed, enjoying the natural beauty of the San Francisco bay.

All too quickly, it was time to head back to the ferry dock where the Foggy Doggie teams would travel home via their various modes of transportation, the dogs anxious for their well-deserved dinners! One chapter member commented that he had never had the opportunity to go to Angel Island, and he was grateful to be a part of an alumni chapter that provided him with an opportunity to do something he’d always wanted to do and to make the trip independently. Other members expressed some trepidation ahead of time about traveling to a new area, but felt that with the support of other guide dog handlers, they were excited about taking advantage of the opportunity to have some fun.
Friday, October 17, 2014
GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay Submission: What a Difference a Dog Makes
By: Maddie Hall (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Outstanding Essay)
When Anthony first started living in my house, he was clearly terrified. And who could blame him? As a 7 year-old child in yet another foster home, he not only had to assimilate into our family, but he also had to switch schools for the third time in a year. That would be overwhelming for anyone. Although Anthony’s a great kid and quickly became a lively part of the family, he struggled in school to keep up with the curriculum and make friends.
That began to change when one day my mom brought our then-current guide dog puppy, Blaine, with her to pick Anthony up from school. Anthony ran out of the classroom to say hello to Blaine, and within a couple of seconds, Anthony and Blaine were surrounded by a swarm of Anthony’s dog-loving classmates. All the other kids wanted to talk to Anthony, ask him questions about “his” dog, or tell him about their pet dog at home. One of the kids even wanted to spend the night at our house so they could spend more time talking about dogs.
Anthony loved the attention. For the first time, he had found his place in the classroom. Being “the kid whose dog picks him up from school” was a way for him to connect to his classmates in a way that he hadn’t been able to before. The impact that Blaine’s presence had on Anthony’s life was simple yet significant. Anthony felt more comfortable going to school and began to make new friends.
Blaine is now my pet dog and Anthony is back with his mom, but he still occasionally comes to visit. There continues to be a special bond between them. Blaine helped Anthony navigate through an awkward time and helped him become more confident.
Blaine taught me that sometimes all you have to do to help someone is to just be there for them. Blaine helped Anthony do better in school just by showing up. Raising guide dog puppies in general has taught me a lot about helping other people. When I started this adventure, I thought that being part of my local GDB puppy club would be a fun way to benefit others, but in reality, most of the benefit of my experience has been for me. Each of my dogs has impacted me and helped shape who I am. Eichler taught me how to be ready for anything, Blaine taught me how to be sensitive to others, and Nevada is currently teaching me patience.
Unfortunately, neither of my first two dogs made it as guide dogs and are now both pets. Eichler is living with a wonderful family, and Blaine is my pride and joy. Nevada is currently9 months old and is my last hope before college of raising a dog who becomes a guide. My goal when I started raising puppies was to have at least one of them become a guide. I knew the statistics and I knew that sometimes dogs have issues beyond my control, but that’s all I wanted. It was difficult for me to watch my first two dogs get so far and then be career changed, but I have high hopes for Nevada. I now think of my first two tries not as failures, but as evidence that sometimes what I think should happen - like having all my dogs become guides - isn’t what’s meant to be. Eichler and Blaine are living great lives as pets and I believe they are both very happy with that job.
In the fall, I will be attending the University of Oregon as a pre-business administration major. I am thinking about an emphasis in marketing, but I’m not quite sure about that yet. My dreams for the future just get more blurry from there. I don’t know what I want to do with my life except to be happy and do good. Wherever I end up though, I know that I want to keep supporting and raising guide dog puppies. My mom has even suggested that I try to get a job working for GDB when I graduate, and I think I would be very happy doing that. Guide Dogs for the Blind has had such a big impact on my life that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop giving back to the organization that has given me so much.
When Anthony first started living in my house, he was clearly terrified. And who could blame him? As a 7 year-old child in yet another foster home, he not only had to assimilate into our family, but he also had to switch schools for the third time in a year. That would be overwhelming for anyone. Although Anthony’s a great kid and quickly became a lively part of the family, he struggled in school to keep up with the curriculum and make friends.
That began to change when one day my mom brought our then-current guide dog puppy, Blaine, with her to pick Anthony up from school. Anthony ran out of the classroom to say hello to Blaine, and within a couple of seconds, Anthony and Blaine were surrounded by a swarm of Anthony’s dog-loving classmates. All the other kids wanted to talk to Anthony, ask him questions about “his” dog, or tell him about their pet dog at home. One of the kids even wanted to spend the night at our house so they could spend more time talking about dogs.
Anthony loved the attention. For the first time, he had found his place in the classroom. Being “the kid whose dog picks him up from school” was a way for him to connect to his classmates in a way that he hadn’t been able to before. The impact that Blaine’s presence had on Anthony’s life was simple yet significant. Anthony felt more comfortable going to school and began to make new friends.
Blaine is now my pet dog and Anthony is back with his mom, but he still occasionally comes to visit. There continues to be a special bond between them. Blaine helped Anthony navigate through an awkward time and helped him become more confident.
Blaine taught me that sometimes all you have to do to help someone is to just be there for them. Blaine helped Anthony do better in school just by showing up. Raising guide dog puppies in general has taught me a lot about helping other people. When I started this adventure, I thought that being part of my local GDB puppy club would be a fun way to benefit others, but in reality, most of the benefit of my experience has been for me. Each of my dogs has impacted me and helped shape who I am. Eichler taught me how to be ready for anything, Blaine taught me how to be sensitive to others, and Nevada is currently teaching me patience.
Unfortunately, neither of my first two dogs made it as guide dogs and are now both pets. Eichler is living with a wonderful family, and Blaine is my pride and joy. Nevada is currently9 months old and is my last hope before college of raising a dog who becomes a guide. My goal when I started raising puppies was to have at least one of them become a guide. I knew the statistics and I knew that sometimes dogs have issues beyond my control, but that’s all I wanted. It was difficult for me to watch my first two dogs get so far and then be career changed, but I have high hopes for Nevada. I now think of my first two tries not as failures, but as evidence that sometimes what I think should happen - like having all my dogs become guides - isn’t what’s meant to be. Eichler and Blaine are living great lives as pets and I believe they are both very happy with that job.
In the fall, I will be attending the University of Oregon as a pre-business administration major. I am thinking about an emphasis in marketing, but I’m not quite sure about that yet. My dreams for the future just get more blurry from there. I don’t know what I want to do with my life except to be happy and do good. Wherever I end up though, I know that I want to keep supporting and raising guide dog puppies. My mom has even suggested that I try to get a job working for GDB when I graduate, and I think I would be very happy doing that. Guide Dogs for the Blind has had such a big impact on my life that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop giving back to the organization that has given me so much.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Mommies with Guides – Alumni Chapter Update
By: GDB graduate Tracy Boyd
Spring and summer were packed full of events for Mommies with Guides (MWG)! After making a splash in our Real Simple magazine article and appearing on the Portland area news, our focus turned to grass roots work. In May, MWG was privileged to be invited to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Pinot and Pups Gala in which record breaking funds were raised to support GDB programs.
Two events in June included substantial walks with our guides, families, and friends. The Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade walk was four miles long and the dogs did a fantastic job! We were proud to represent GDB and pleased with the number of observers and news outlets that recognized GDB. The second event in June was the Glen Neighborhood Fair, where we did some fundraising – selling our beautiful bracelets as well as print copies of the painting “The Guide” which is a wonderful depiction beautifully capturing the independence a guide dog provides to a mother of young children. Our Final June event was the Oregon Vision Walk for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. That walk was only three miles and we were joined by many new faces to MWG. Our group was over 50 participant’s strong including family and friends. MWG even took away three awards for largest group, most team spirit, and best t-shirts! It was very satisfying to lend our support to the Foundation Fighting Blindness, the Oregon Vision Walk, which raised $39,000 (MWG is proud to say we raised $1,100), plus we had fun contributing to such a worthwhile cause. We also received a generous sponsorship for 60 MWG t-shirts from Gresham Ford.
Mommies with Guides took a collective break in July so members could recharge and spend time with family. Our work takes on a different intensity when the kiddos are home in the summer and it helps to keep them busy with activities. In late August, members of MWG attended Oral Hull Fund Day. Oral Hull is a park located in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon which is designed specifically for the low vision and blind community. This event was the primary fundraiser for the park and included: a BBQ lunch, many vendors, games for kids and live music. As fall quickly approaches, MWG intends to keep up the pace. A picnic was planned in late September at a member's home and it was a chance to just socialize and not worry about an organized event. Tentative plans this month include a Harvest weekend at Oral Hull park for members and our families. MWG will join the Alumni Chapter Raining Canines for a couple of events in November and December. Other events are likely to be scheduled as the season progresses. In between these events, MWG members meet via conference call on a monthly basis. Our group is unique as it includes mommies with guide dogs in many different regions of the United States, although the founding members are from the Portland area.
We look forward to sharing experiences with and supporting each other as well as educating the general public around us! You can also check us out of Facebook:
Spring and summer were packed full of events for Mommies with Guides (MWG)! After making a splash in our Real Simple magazine article and appearing on the Portland area news, our focus turned to grass roots work. In May, MWG was privileged to be invited to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Pinot and Pups Gala in which record breaking funds were raised to support GDB programs.
Two events in June included substantial walks with our guides, families, and friends. The Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade walk was four miles long and the dogs did a fantastic job! We were proud to represent GDB and pleased with the number of observers and news outlets that recognized GDB. The second event in June was the Glen Neighborhood Fair, where we did some fundraising – selling our beautiful bracelets as well as print copies of the painting “The Guide” which is a wonderful depiction beautifully capturing the independence a guide dog provides to a mother of young children. Our Final June event was the Oregon Vision Walk for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. That walk was only three miles and we were joined by many new faces to MWG. Our group was over 50 participant’s strong including family and friends. MWG even took away three awards for largest group, most team spirit, and best t-shirts! It was very satisfying to lend our support to the Foundation Fighting Blindness, the Oregon Vision Walk, which raised $39,000 (MWG is proud to say we raised $1,100), plus we had fun contributing to such a worthwhile cause. We also received a generous sponsorship for 60 MWG t-shirts from Gresham Ford.
Mommies with Guides took a collective break in July so members could recharge and spend time with family. Our work takes on a different intensity when the kiddos are home in the summer and it helps to keep them busy with activities. In late August, members of MWG attended Oral Hull Fund Day. Oral Hull is a park located in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon which is designed specifically for the low vision and blind community. This event was the primary fundraiser for the park and included: a BBQ lunch, many vendors, games for kids and live music. As fall quickly approaches, MWG intends to keep up the pace. A picnic was planned in late September at a member's home and it was a chance to just socialize and not worry about an organized event. Tentative plans this month include a Harvest weekend at Oral Hull park for members and our families. MWG will join the Alumni Chapter Raining Canines for a couple of events in November and December. Other events are likely to be scheduled as the season progresses. In between these events, MWG members meet via conference call on a monthly basis. Our group is unique as it includes mommies with guide dogs in many different regions of the United States, although the founding members are from the Portland area.
We look forward to sharing experiences with and supporting each other as well as educating the general public around us! You can also check us out of Facebook:
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay Submission: Valuable Life Lessons from a Puppy Named Alan
By: Caitlin Berge (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Outstanding Essay)
In my sophomore year of high school, I was bullied ruthlessly by a girl who used to be my best friend. This caused me to withdraw from my high school, and enroll in an online high school. This meant I was home alone - a lot. I became lonely, and decided to go to work with my mom every day. She is a preschool teacher at our church. At this time, I had completed my puppy sittings and attended training meeting and was ready to get my first guide dog puppy.
My puppy Alan arrived on March 5, 2011. His named seemed quite serious for a puppy as goofy as him. But I quickly grew to love him and he became my best friend. Alan quickly got used to my daily routine, which included going to my mom’s classroom. That year, my mom had an especially sensitive student by the name of Will. Will’s family was experiencing some changes, causing him to be quite emotional at times. Will grew close to me, but more so to Alan.
Alan provided him a sense of security. Will knew Alan was always going to love him, and that Alan would wag his tail every time someone hugged him. Alan became a member of our class. He was always included in class pictures, he would go on field trips, and even sit on the rug for story time.
Alan is a very special dog. Almost everyone would say that about their dog, but Alan truly is special. He is more human than dog. He understands what you say to him, he understood what was being asked of him. But more amazing than that, he knew what someone needed before they knew it themselves. He knew when bad news was coming. Before the news came, he would come sit beside you, resting his head on your shoulder or lap, looking at you with his ever attentive eyes. He would sit there and wait - you could tell him “okay,” releasing him to do what he wanted - but he would just sit. If you moved, he moved. Whether it was me, or Will, or a stranger, he would wait. He wanted nothing more than to be there so you didn’t feel alone. Alan is the best friend everyone wishes they had.
He not only taught us about kindness, but also about selflessness. When Alan was recalled, we were all devastated. Kids in the classroom cried. I cried. My friends cried. It was almost like a death for some, because he was just gone. We all wanted him back so desperately.
A few months later, we finally got good news: Alan had been partnered with Vicky Nolan from Ontario. Vicky is a former rower on Canada’s Paralympics team, which is very impressive. But even more special for us, she is also a teacher for children with special needs.
When Alan first went back to the GDB campus, I had my selfish thoughts: He was my dog; I raised him. Why should someone else get him? But then we met Vicky. Every bit of selfishness disappeared. Meeting a person who is a perfect match for your dog, and is even more grateful for that dog than you are, is absolutely incredible. Alan was made for Vicky. I am sure of that.
I was taught the importance of selflessness and was lucky enough to instill that in the minds of a class of 4 year-olds. They understood that helping others makes you happier than anything else. It’s better than Christmas morning. And even better than your favorite dessert. Seeing a smile that you put on someone’s face is better than anything in the world.
Through the end of the school year, we remembered Alan. We talked about the field trips that he came on, and the stories that we read to him, and when he played at the role of a pickle in the class play. It was decided that we would make a memory book of Alan for his new family, so with the help of the preschoolers, we made a book for Vicky - specifically for her own two kids. We added pictures from the time Alan was 8 weeks old to when he was recalled.
At such a young age, this was a perfect level of giving. A book is something you can physically hold and pass on, which seemed to help younger kids grasp concepts. They all understood that all our hard work that was put into the book was going to be enjoyed by someone new, someone they had never met.
Alan not only taught me so many valuable lessons, but he gave me the chance to pass those along to those much younger than me. Although they were younger, I do believe they are lessons that will stick with them throughout their lives.
In my sophomore year of high school, I was bullied ruthlessly by a girl who used to be my best friend. This caused me to withdraw from my high school, and enroll in an online high school. This meant I was home alone - a lot. I became lonely, and decided to go to work with my mom every day. She is a preschool teacher at our church. At this time, I had completed my puppy sittings and attended training meeting and was ready to get my first guide dog puppy.
My puppy Alan arrived on March 5, 2011. His named seemed quite serious for a puppy as goofy as him. But I quickly grew to love him and he became my best friend. Alan quickly got used to my daily routine, which included going to my mom’s classroom. That year, my mom had an especially sensitive student by the name of Will. Will’s family was experiencing some changes, causing him to be quite emotional at times. Will grew close to me, but more so to Alan.
Alan provided him a sense of security. Will knew Alan was always going to love him, and that Alan would wag his tail every time someone hugged him. Alan became a member of our class. He was always included in class pictures, he would go on field trips, and even sit on the rug for story time.
Alan is a very special dog. Almost everyone would say that about their dog, but Alan truly is special. He is more human than dog. He understands what you say to him, he understood what was being asked of him. But more amazing than that, he knew what someone needed before they knew it themselves. He knew when bad news was coming. Before the news came, he would come sit beside you, resting his head on your shoulder or lap, looking at you with his ever attentive eyes. He would sit there and wait - you could tell him “okay,” releasing him to do what he wanted - but he would just sit. If you moved, he moved. Whether it was me, or Will, or a stranger, he would wait. He wanted nothing more than to be there so you didn’t feel alone. Alan is the best friend everyone wishes they had.
He not only taught us about kindness, but also about selflessness. When Alan was recalled, we were all devastated. Kids in the classroom cried. I cried. My friends cried. It was almost like a death for some, because he was just gone. We all wanted him back so desperately.
A few months later, we finally got good news: Alan had been partnered with Vicky Nolan from Ontario. Vicky is a former rower on Canada’s Paralympics team, which is very impressive. But even more special for us, she is also a teacher for children with special needs.
When Alan first went back to the GDB campus, I had my selfish thoughts: He was my dog; I raised him. Why should someone else get him? But then we met Vicky. Every bit of selfishness disappeared. Meeting a person who is a perfect match for your dog, and is even more grateful for that dog than you are, is absolutely incredible. Alan was made for Vicky. I am sure of that.
I was taught the importance of selflessness and was lucky enough to instill that in the minds of a class of 4 year-olds. They understood that helping others makes you happier than anything else. It’s better than Christmas morning. And even better than your favorite dessert. Seeing a smile that you put on someone’s face is better than anything in the world.
Through the end of the school year, we remembered Alan. We talked about the field trips that he came on, and the stories that we read to him, and when he played at the role of a pickle in the class play. It was decided that we would make a memory book of Alan for his new family, so with the help of the preschoolers, we made a book for Vicky - specifically for her own two kids. We added pictures from the time Alan was 8 weeks old to when he was recalled.
At such a young age, this was a perfect level of giving. A book is something you can physically hold and pass on, which seemed to help younger kids grasp concepts. They all understood that all our hard work that was put into the book was going to be enjoyed by someone new, someone they had never met.
Alan not only taught me so many valuable lessons, but he gave me the chance to pass those along to those much younger than me. Although they were younger, I do believe they are lessons that will stick with them throughout their lives.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Oodles of Doodles!
Wednesday, October, 8th, from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Come on by and join us in our Doggin' it Cafe for some social times with other friendly Doodles and their owners. Consider enjoying one of our tasty beverages to support future breed evenings!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Breeder's Digest for July 2014
Breeder’s Digest
July 2014
Litter Announcements
Labrador Retrievers
- 7/1/14 Keno x Nancy: 1 male, 3 females; litter letter D
- 7/4/14 Andreas x Gretchen: 3 males; litter letter H
- 7/7/14 Mack x Kola: 1 male, 5 females; litter letter F
- 7/8/14 Lexus x Kahlua: 3 males, 3 females; litter letter J
- 7/10/14 Andreas x Juniper: 1 male, 3 females; litter letter G
- 7/15/14 Laughlin x Jova: 5 males, 1 female; litter letter K
- 7/15/14 Mitzvah x Contessa: 2 males, 3 female; litter letter L
- 7/16/14 Jenkins x Paris: 3 males, 1 female; litter letter M
- 7/20/14 Baldwin x Fiji: 1 male, 3 females; litter letter I
- 7/20/14 Blake x Mona: 1 male, 2 females; litter letter N
- 7/25/14 Blake x Sadie: 3 males, 1 female; litter letter O
Labrador Retriever-Golden Retriever Crosses
- 7/1/14 Amici x Waltz: 1 male, 1 female; litter letter E
- 7/23/14 Amador x Trumpet: 4 males, 2 females; litter letter R
New Breeders
Labrador Retrievers Lab/Golden CrossesCabana: raised in CA Jennifer: raised in AZ
Gabby: raised in UT
Jordan: raised in CA
Myra: raised in CA
Pompeii: raised in UT
Revlon: raised in CO
Yiska: raised in UT
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay: My Experience as a Guide Dog Puppy Raiser
By: Emily Mason (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Overall Achievement)
Raising guide dog puppies has a way of impacting people. Whether that person is me, my family, or whoever receives the puppy, there is no doubt in my mind that my puppies have impacted the lives of many.
I think those that are the most directly impacted by my puppies have been the people who have received them as guides. A wonderful man named Terry received my first puppy in training, Virgil. Terry live-in Oklahoma with his wife, three daughters, and two granddaughters. Terry is an amazing man, who I still keep in touch with today. Virgil impacted Terry because before Terry received Virgil, he had been living without a guide for months. When Terry arrived at home with Virgil, he and Virgil began adjusting to one another, becoming an unbeatable team, and creating a strong bond. Terry and Virgil have gone on a few backpacking trips and frequently go sailing.
My third puppy, Tommy, who I raised as a transfer puppy, has significantly impacted his handler, Brian. Before Tommy, Brian had never had a guide dog before and had relied on a cane and the help of others to travel. Brian’s life was significantly changed when he received Tommy, because he can now travel alone and be independent, with the thought in mind that Tommy is by his side, watching for any hazards.
Guide Dogs for the Blind has also significantly impacted my community. Virgil was the first guide dog puppy raised in my town, Oakdale, in a very long time, and most businesses were unsure about the program and having a dog in their facility. However, by introducing them to Virgil and explaining the program, Virgil was allowed access to all the businesses in town! Virgil helped pave the way for the ten puppies that have been raised in Oakdale since.
Another huge impact GDB had on my community was at my school. Virgil was also the first dog to attend Oakdale High School, and not long into my sophomore year, Virgil was ready to join me. My school and superintendent were unsure at first about having a dog on campus, but I was fortunate enough to have had a vice principal who had previously taught at a school that allowed puppies ingraining, so he helped me get the puppy raising project approved at my school. Having a puppy at school was a challenge at first, being that so many people were unaware of the etiquette toward a puppy in training. It was also a hard task adjusting to all of the students being around the puppy. But Virgil set the standard, and five more puppies have since followed in his paws.
Raising guide dog puppies has taught me many things, and over time, it has helped me grow. Raising guide dog puppies has taught me to be responsible. Since caring for a puppy is a lot like caring for a child, I have had a lot more responsibility than most of my friends. Raising puppies has helped me learn to put the care of others before myself - taking care of a puppy can be a full time job. Raising guide dog puppies has taught me the feeling of accomplishment through reaching goals, whether those goals are successfully teaching a puppy “down,” or having a puppy become a guide dog. GDB has taught me what it is like to accomplish a long-term goal. Raising guide dog puppies has helped me understand the gift of giving, because no matter how much I love each of my dogs, there’s no doubt in my mind that I want nothing more than to see them succeed. It was truly amazing feeling to stand on stage and hand Virgil’s leash over to Terry.
Lastly, raising guide dog puppies has majorly impacted my future career goals. Since I was a small child, my dream was to become a veterinarian. I was fortunate enough to be secreted for GDB’s summer internship program where I got to work in the vet clinic for two weeks. Working alongside the veterinarians and clinic staff was like a dream, it is a time in my life I will always cherish. I had such an amazing time working and learning from such experienced professionals. My internship helped confirm my goal - becoming a veterinarian is no longer the dream of a small child but a goal set by a young adult. Being alongside the veterinary team at GDB helped me know for sure that being a vet is what I want to do with my life.
Guide Dogs for the Blind has given me many life experiences and taught me many things. I have been able to watch my community and school grow as they became accepting to guide dog puppies. Through this wonderful experience I have been able to grow as a person and experience the amazing feeling of being able to give someone a gift like a guide dog. GDB is a wonderful organization, and I’m so grateful to have been a part of it.
Raising guide dog puppies has a way of impacting people. Whether that person is me, my family, or whoever receives the puppy, there is no doubt in my mind that my puppies have impacted the lives of many.
I think those that are the most directly impacted by my puppies have been the people who have received them as guides. A wonderful man named Terry received my first puppy in training, Virgil. Terry live-in Oklahoma with his wife, three daughters, and two granddaughters. Terry is an amazing man, who I still keep in touch with today. Virgil impacted Terry because before Terry received Virgil, he had been living without a guide for months. When Terry arrived at home with Virgil, he and Virgil began adjusting to one another, becoming an unbeatable team, and creating a strong bond. Terry and Virgil have gone on a few backpacking trips and frequently go sailing.
My third puppy, Tommy, who I raised as a transfer puppy, has significantly impacted his handler, Brian. Before Tommy, Brian had never had a guide dog before and had relied on a cane and the help of others to travel. Brian’s life was significantly changed when he received Tommy, because he can now travel alone and be independent, with the thought in mind that Tommy is by his side, watching for any hazards.
Guide Dogs for the Blind has also significantly impacted my community. Virgil was the first guide dog puppy raised in my town, Oakdale, in a very long time, and most businesses were unsure about the program and having a dog in their facility. However, by introducing them to Virgil and explaining the program, Virgil was allowed access to all the businesses in town! Virgil helped pave the way for the ten puppies that have been raised in Oakdale since.
Another huge impact GDB had on my community was at my school. Virgil was also the first dog to attend Oakdale High School, and not long into my sophomore year, Virgil was ready to join me. My school and superintendent were unsure at first about having a dog on campus, but I was fortunate enough to have had a vice principal who had previously taught at a school that allowed puppies ingraining, so he helped me get the puppy raising project approved at my school. Having a puppy at school was a challenge at first, being that so many people were unaware of the etiquette toward a puppy in training. It was also a hard task adjusting to all of the students being around the puppy. But Virgil set the standard, and five more puppies have since followed in his paws.
Raising guide dog puppies has taught me many things, and over time, it has helped me grow. Raising guide dog puppies has taught me to be responsible. Since caring for a puppy is a lot like caring for a child, I have had a lot more responsibility than most of my friends. Raising puppies has helped me learn to put the care of others before myself - taking care of a puppy can be a full time job. Raising guide dog puppies has taught me the feeling of accomplishment through reaching goals, whether those goals are successfully teaching a puppy “down,” or having a puppy become a guide dog. GDB has taught me what it is like to accomplish a long-term goal. Raising guide dog puppies has helped me understand the gift of giving, because no matter how much I love each of my dogs, there’s no doubt in my mind that I want nothing more than to see them succeed. It was truly amazing feeling to stand on stage and hand Virgil’s leash over to Terry.
Lastly, raising guide dog puppies has majorly impacted my future career goals. Since I was a small child, my dream was to become a veterinarian. I was fortunate enough to be secreted for GDB’s summer internship program where I got to work in the vet clinic for two weeks. Working alongside the veterinarians and clinic staff was like a dream, it is a time in my life I will always cherish. I had such an amazing time working and learning from such experienced professionals. My internship helped confirm my goal - becoming a veterinarian is no longer the dream of a small child but a goal set by a young adult. Being alongside the veterinary team at GDB helped me know for sure that being a vet is what I want to do with my life.
Guide Dogs for the Blind has given me many life experiences and taught me many things. I have been able to watch my community and school grow as they became accepting to guide dog puppies. Through this wonderful experience I have been able to grow as a person and experience the amazing feeling of being able to give someone a gift like a guide dog. GDB is a wonderful organization, and I’m so grateful to have been a part of it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Announcing GDB’s 2014 Puppy Raising Scholarship Awards
Annually, GDB awards scholarships to puppy raisers in their senior year of high school who have outstanding scholastic achievement and volunteer experience within GDB and their communities. For 2014, we were pleased to award $3,000 in scholarship funds. Congratulations to the following puppy raisers on their accomplishments!
$1,000 Scholarships for Overall Achievement:
Sophia Hamilton of Ukiah, Calif., currently raising her third puppy
Emily Mason of Oakdale, Calif., currently raising her fifth puppy
$500 Scholarship for Outstanding Essay and Outstanding Creative Project:
Maddie Hall of Castro Valley, Calif., currently raising her third puppy
$250 Scholarships for Outstanding Essays:
Caitlin Berge of Normandy Park, Wash., currently raising her third puppy
Skyler Howard of Vashon, Wash., currently raising her fourth puppy
The bios of the scholarship winners are included below. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll share the winning essays and creative projects from the scholarship winners here on the blog, so stay tuned!
Sophia Hamilton of Ukiah, Calif. has been raising puppies for Guide Dogs for Blind for five years. She has always been a dog lover, and has enjoyed the value and joy of serving others that being involved with GDB puppy raising has brought to her life. She has raised three GDB puppies: Almond (a working guide); Shimmer (a breeder who recently whelped her first litter of 10 puppies); and her current puppy, Fauna, who will be returning for formal training this fall. Sophia has also served as the teen leader of her puppy raising club, Mendocino Pathfinders, for the past two years. In addition to puppy raising, Sophia is also a dedicated student athlete. She is a three-year varsity water polo player and a two-year varsity swim and dive participant. She is a 2014 All American in swimming and diving and the recipient of the 2014 United States Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award. Sophia will be attending the University of California Davis in the fall.
Emily Mason of Oakdale, Calif. has raised five GDB puppies: three are working guides, one is in formal training, and her current pup, Cloud. Emily enjoys working with animals, and aspires to one day become a veterinarian. Emily is vice president of her puppy raising club's 4-H program. In addition to her puppy raising activities, Emily has also been the assistant coach of a little league softball team. Emily will be attending Columbia College, in Sonora, Calif. in the fall.
Maddie Hall, of Castro Valley, Calif., has been raising GDB puppies since her sophomore year in high school. She is currently raising her third puppy, Nevada. Her previous puppies were Eichler and Blaine, both career change dogs and Maddie’s pride and joy). As a member of her local 4-H club, Maddie also raised and showed mini Lop rabbits for many years. Maddie will be attending the University of Oregon in the fall.
Skyler Howard of Vashon, Wash., has raised four guide dog puppies since she was a freshman: Tanny, Triumph, Berlin, and Whisper. Triumph and Berlin are both working guides. Skyler is a member of the National Honor Society and has volunteered in rural villages in Laos and Peru, as well as at a local veterinary clinic. She plans to attend Carroll College in Helena, Mont. this fall.
$1,000 Scholarships for Overall Achievement:
Sophia Hamilton of Ukiah, Calif., currently raising her third puppy
Emily Mason of Oakdale, Calif., currently raising her fifth puppy
$500 Scholarship for Outstanding Essay and Outstanding Creative Project:
Maddie Hall of Castro Valley, Calif., currently raising her third puppy
$250 Scholarships for Outstanding Essays:
Caitlin Berge of Normandy Park, Wash., currently raising her third puppy
Skyler Howard of Vashon, Wash., currently raising her fourth puppy
The bios of the scholarship winners are included below. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll share the winning essays and creative projects from the scholarship winners here on the blog, so stay tuned!
Sophia Hamilton of Ukiah, Calif. has been raising puppies for Guide Dogs for Blind for five years. She has always been a dog lover, and has enjoyed the value and joy of serving others that being involved with GDB puppy raising has brought to her life. She has raised three GDB puppies: Almond (a working guide); Shimmer (a breeder who recently whelped her first litter of 10 puppies); and her current puppy, Fauna, who will be returning for formal training this fall. Sophia has also served as the teen leader of her puppy raising club, Mendocino Pathfinders, for the past two years. In addition to puppy raising, Sophia is also a dedicated student athlete. She is a three-year varsity water polo player and a two-year varsity swim and dive participant. She is a 2014 All American in swimming and diving and the recipient of the 2014 United States Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award. Sophia will be attending the University of California Davis in the fall.
Emily Mason of Oakdale, Calif. has raised five GDB puppies: three are working guides, one is in formal training, and her current pup, Cloud. Emily enjoys working with animals, and aspires to one day become a veterinarian. Emily is vice president of her puppy raising club's 4-H program. In addition to her puppy raising activities, Emily has also been the assistant coach of a little league softball team. Emily will be attending Columbia College, in Sonora, Calif. in the fall.
Maddie Hall, of Castro Valley, Calif., has been raising GDB puppies since her sophomore year in high school. She is currently raising her third puppy, Nevada. Her previous puppies were Eichler and Blaine, both career change dogs and Maddie’s pride and joy). As a member of her local 4-H club, Maddie also raised and showed mini Lop rabbits for many years. Maddie will be attending the University of Oregon in the fall.
Caitlin Berge, of Normandy Park, Wash., has been involved in puppy raising since she was 14. She is currently raising her third puppy, Wesley. Her first puppy, Alan, is a working guide, and her second, Havarti, is currently in formal training. Besides volunteering with Guide Dogs for the Blind, Caitlin is also an active participant in her church's youth group, with which she has gone on mission trips for the past six years (this summer she went to Belize, her fourth mission trip to that country). Caitlin received her Associate of Arts degree while still attending high school; she will attend the University of Washington-Tacoma in the fall.
Skyler Howard of Vashon, Wash., has raised four guide dog puppies since she was a freshman: Tanny, Triumph, Berlin, and Whisper. Triumph and Berlin are both working guides. Skyler is a member of the National Honor Society and has volunteered in rural villages in Laos and Peru, as well as at a local veterinary clinic. She plans to attend Carroll College in Helena, Mont. this fall.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Dackel Do this week
Sniff, sniff...Someone smells a Dackel Do happening this Wed. Sept. 17th from 7pm-8:30pm. All friendly Dachshunds and their owners welcome!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Group Dog Walk this morning!
Good morning Waggers! Join us this morning in our Doggin'it Cafe at 9:30am for some coffee. We'll then be heading out at 10am for a group dog walk along the river at Windsor Park.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
A City Dog gets to Work and Play
By Katie Crocker
Every August, as part of my job, I record an event that is held at the Massachusetts state house. My job at this event is to set up audio equipment, record speakers and audience discussion, and ultimately, turn that audio into a radio show. The event features a yearly program run by the Massachusetts agency for the blind. In any case, this was the first time I've attended this event with a guide dog since 2011. Jetty and I have been a team now for about 15 weeks; he is by far the youngest dog I have ever taken to this particular event (I've attended this yearly since 2006). This involves tons of people, many with white canes, several with guide dogs, tables, crowds, food, the whole nine. In addition to these distractions, I also had many situations where Jetty needed to do a sit/stay or down/stay, while I untangled wires, tested audio equipment, etc. This also involved him helping me trace along walls to find wires, and tape them down to avoid tripping hazards, much of this was just him and I, without sighted assistance. Let me just say, Jetty was a total rock star! He did an amazing job, weaving me past tables, podiums, other people who could not see us, led me past curled up wires, even stopping patiently while I rearranged wires along the wall so others without sight would not trip. His work was exemplary; never before have I seen such restraint and focus in such a young partnership.
Another thing I found amazing was Jetty's ability to read me before I gave any commands. As I've been behind the scenes at this event for multiple years, I know the surrounding area quite well. It only took Jetty a trip or two to figure out: A, where my assigned chair in the audience was, B; where the podium we needed to connect to was, C; where our recording devices were (in a separate room, D; where the press media ports were in the room. We needed to frequent these places periodically, as the recording requires two separate speaker systems. There were folks there who were deaf/blind, so we also needed to account for an FM transmitter to accommodate listening devices. This was my first time making on the spot changes to our rig, but it worked out for the best!
There were a number of guide dogs there. One belonged to MCB commissioner, another belonged to the ADA coordinator of the state house. Then there were several in the crowd. One I knew from my previous guide dog school, and a few from our own GDB.
Jetty was a gentleman, through and through. He targeted the areas I needed, with very little verbal cues, which I found amazing! He and I are getting into that "mind reading" phase, where before I can utter a command, he seems to already know! We move like a fluid force, together. At every step he seems to know what I need, and in turn, I feel through all things what he needs. We have been a good team so far. Of course there have times where we have had to figure each other out, but it seems like with each trip out the door we get better and better. We are learning more about each other every day. But, we are staring to respond to each other on a level that is almost surreal. Sometimes it's nonverbal. Sometimes a gesture, or my pace, or...I don't even know what, will prompt my boy to do move in a way where we just flow. It completely takes my breath away.
The minute we get home, and the harness comes off, Jetty turns into a goofy, sloppy teenager. He grabs whatever toy is closest, snorts, and will do backflips right into you. He likes keep away games, loves to chew, and loves, more than anything else, to feel needed and important. When I sit on the floor, he will curl up in my lap, and he seems to feel at peace. He needs both work, and play, in that order. If Jetty can't guide, he really doesn't feel like himself. But when we are out and about, he is his happiest. This is an amazing dog.....
The streets of Boston are loud and chaotic. At every turn there are crowds, buses honking their horns, construction, you name it. But nothing ever phases Jetty, or gets him worried. He is the most confident city dog I've ever had. GDB did a wonderful job pairing us together, and I can't thank them enough for this amazing gift! I look forward to every day as an adventure with this boy by my side! This is how we/have grown. I feel so blessed!
Morning dog walk this Sunday
Join us for a dog walk this Sunday Sept. 14th at 9:30am. We'll meet up for 9:30am at Wag Pet Shop Doggin'it Cafe for some coffee and then head out around 10am for a dog walk along the river at Windsor Park. Fingers crossed for some good weather! :-)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Noche de Chihuahua Tonight!
Come by WAG tonight for some Chihuahua fun! We're hosting a Chihuahua social gathering from 7pm-8:30pm in our cafe.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Breeder's Digest for June 2014
Litter Announcements
Labrador Retrievers- 6/11/14 Phoenix x Leche: 1 male, 1 female; litter letter Z
- 6/14/14 Laughlin x Tisha: 1 male, 3 females; litter letter R
- 6/17/14 Keno x Romance: 3 males, 5 females; litter letter S
- 6/20/14 Anthem x Lorna: 5 males, 1 female; litter letter T
- 6/24/14 Mack x Brie: 2 males, 2 females; litter letter A
- 6/27/14 Laughlin x Alma: 5 males, 2 females; litter letter B
Labrador Retriever-Golden Retriever Crosses
New Breeders
Labrador Retrievers
- Aida: raised in AZ
- Arbor: raised in CA
- Belay: raised in WA
- Harlem: raised in CA
- Lovely: raised in CO
- Namiko: raised in CA
- Novel: raised in CA
- Quince: raised in CO
- Ronnie: raised in WA
- Vesta: raised in CO
- Vikram: raised in CO
Monday, September 8, 2014
Noche de Chihuahua This Week!
Smile! We have a Chihuahua social gathering happening this week in our cafe! Come by for a tasty beverage and some chi-company. The festivities begin at 7pm this Wednesday.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Weekend Sales
Buy more, save more on all pet toys this Saturday and Sunday only!
Buy 2 pet toys, save 15%
Buy 3 pet toys, save 20%
Buy 4 or more pet toys, save 25%
Fido says she digs it.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Flash Sale Friday
Today only, save 20% on your purchase of Orijen pet treats with the purchase of any bag of Acana or Orijen pet food.
This offer can only be applied to in stock product.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Daycare Open House this Sunday
Take the opportunity to come check out our new daycare facility! Book your dog in our day care for your summer holidays or when your schedule gets too busy with end of the year school commitments.
Our K9 Daycare is perfect for those who are away during the day, or who want to give their dog a bit of extra love, activity and socialization while they are out.
We focus on a fun and safe environment where your dog will be able to make new friends, socialize, burn off some energy, and maybe learn a few new tricks along the way!
Come by and learn what is require to join our pack! We'll be giving tours from
11am-2pm. You can check out the new facility and learn about the experience your
dog will be provided with.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Boston "T" Party this week!
Join us in our cafe for our Boston "T" Party social gathering. Visit us to enjoy a coffee and socialize with other friendly Boston Terriers and their owners.
Consider ordering one of our tasty cafe beverages to support future breed social gatherings!
Friday, August 29, 2014
We're OPEN!
Come visit us on the holiday Monday. We'll be open from 9:00am-6:00pm.
Unfortunately, our K9 Day Care will be closed on the Monday.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Happy National Dog Day!
To celebrate National Dog Day, WAG is recognizing the dogs that need to be rescued, acknowledging family dogs and dogs that work selflessly each day to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort. We'll be donating 25% of our coffee sales from August 26th to select local rescues and service dogs.
While adopting a dog is a fantastic way to support shelters, it is not always a viable option, but there are other ways to support shelters besides adoption. Interested in getting involved but don’t know how? Here are three simple ways to get more involved:
Pick a Rescue
For starters, pick a rescue! There are many rescues operating in Ottawa and the surrounding area, some of which are breed specific. Are you a fan of Greyhounds? Then maybe the Greyhound Supporters of the NCR is the rescue for you. Have you got a soft spot for larger breeds? Check out Friendly Giants Dog Rescue. Maybe you want to make a difference in the lives of dogs rescued from puppy mills. If so, LOYAL Rescue might be just what you are looking for. Take a look online at for a full list of Ottawa rescues.
Make a Donation
A lot of hard work, time and money is required to rescue dogs. Many of them arrive to the shelters in poor health and require medical attention, which unfortunately means expensive veterinary bills and medication. Whether it is a one-time donation or a monthly one, financial donations are always appreciated. Most shelters will also accept donations in the form of collars, leashes, food, treats and toys. Want to buy Fido a new collar but don’t know what to do with the old one? Donate it! Are you stuck with at big bag of dog kibble that Scruffy absolutely refuses to eat? Donate it! Does Rufus have a favourite toy but ignores the rest? Donate them! Call up the shelter to get a better idea of what they might be in need of, or stop by WAG and drop off your donated items and we will give them to a shelter for you.
Foster A Dog
Interested in caring for a dog, but aren’t sure if you can make the long-term commitment? Become a foster parent! Many rescue organizations have foster programs, in which you volunteer to care for a dog until a permanent home can be found for it. This is a fantastic way to volunteer and become more involved with a particular rescue.
Doggin' Knit this Sunday
Doggin' Knit Beginner's Knitting Circle Come by WAG this Sunday to learn some of the essential lessons for new knitters: choosing supplies, casting on, knitting. The fall season is quickly approaching, and this would be a great little hobby to hone. WAG employee, Abbie will be sharing her "purls" of wisdom as she teaches you how to knit a scarf or dishcloth. Please bring your own supplies: You'll need (1) knitting needles, size U.S. 7 or 8/ 4.5mm or 5.0mm (approximately $5) and (2) Yarn (see next paragraph). If you'd like to begin with a dishcloth, you'll need 100% cotton yarn. I like Bernat Handicrafter Cotton (50 g./1.75 oz. or 73 m/80 yds). If you'd prefer to begin with a scarf, you'll need a "light worsted" or "worsted/afghan The total cost of supplies should be no more than $10. You can find items at Michael's, though, we would encourage you to shop local and check out Yarn Forward in the Glebe (581 Bank Street). This event is free, but we would encourage calling to register a space (613) 730-4647. As always, friendly dogs are welcome! Please consider buying a drink to support future events/seminars/breed nights in our cafe. |
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