An enthusiastic group of Southern California puppy raisers and families "rode the rails" again this year, marking the 16th annual Guide Dog Puppy Travel Day event, co-hosted by L.A. Southwest Guide Dog Raisers, MetroRail and MetroLink (MetroRail and MetroLink provided courtesy rides for all). This excellent socialization experience gives Guide Dog puppies an opportunity to ride the trains, work through Union Station, find their comfort zones along busy Olvera Street with its narrow shopping areas and restaurants, and encounter many curious people who want to pet them. The people enjoy it as well, since there is ample opportunity to meet other puppy raisers and find littermates.
"Raisers and puppies are treated to the colorful, crowded marketplace filled with Mexican shopfronts, restaurants, mariachi bands, and lively music and dancing," said participating puppy raiser Gail Hardy.
Members of six puppy clubs came out for the day: Antelope Valley GDPR, VIP3, Diamonds in the Ruff, PRIDE, Riverside GDPR, and L.A. Southwest GDR. Photo by David Hudson.
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