Apparently, you shutterbugs out there really enjoy the Autumn months! During October, our email inbox ( was overflowing with amazing photo submissions (which we posted to our Flickr site), as was our Group Photo Pool ( Here's a sampling of the great images that we received. We hope you keep those photos and stories coming!

The Have Paws Will Travel puppy raising club of Arapahoe County, Colo., had it's 17th annual Halloween Party, Chili Dinner and Costume Contest in October. The costumes puppy raisers came up with for their dogs were clever and impressive! Pictured is Emily Groves with yellow Lab puppy Leche; their costumes won them First Place in the "Team" category (they were cookies and milk). You can enjoy many many more fun pictures at the club's website, Submitted by Andrea Loughry.

Guide Dog puppy January and puppy raiser Nancy Bloyer in front of a giant Micky Mouse Jack-o-lantern. Nancy and January were at Disneyland to participate in the 20th Annual CHOC Walk in the Park, which supports Children's Hospital of Orange County. More than 14,000 Walkers raised a record breaking $2 million. Submitted by Nancy Bloyer.

Elk Grove Puppies with a Vision puppy raising club on an excursion to Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm in Wilton, Calif. The puppies got to experience going up and down a stack of hay bales, sniffing various farm animals, taking a hay ride and going through some obstacles in a playground. They had a great time. Submitted by Gerald Edwards.

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