Melville is a 9-month old black Lab puppy being raised by Lindsey Amos from the Lone Star Puppy Raisers in Texas. As a puppy in training he gets to go to work with Lindsey every day, which means Melville’s 8 am to 5 pm is spent as an “unofficial employee” for Wasp Barcode Technologies.

Community service projects and charity work are an integral part of the beliefs and values of Wasp. Wasp believes in corporate social responsibility and the value of charity work and is a proud supporter of Melville and Guide Dogs for the Blind. At the end of 2010, Wasp shared a holiday e-card with its customers, choosing to make a donation to Guide Dogs for the Blind instead of sending a traditional printed Christmas card.
More recently, Wasp is a Communitas Award applicant for supporting and donating to Guide Dogs for the Blind and incorporating Guide Dog puppies in training into the office life at Wasp. Communitas Awards honor companies and individuals that are changing the way they do business to benefit their employees, communities, and environment. Training Guide Dog puppies in a work place is essential, because it simulates a real-life situation that a visually impaired person might encounter on a daily basis. Melville does everything from attending meetings and business lunches to accompanying Lindsey everywhere she goes to ensure that he is prepared for his mission in life.
Click here to watch the Wasp Barcode/Guide Dogs for the Blind Video.
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