Golden Retriever Dog Lying on the Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Golden Retriever Dog Lying on the Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Golden Retriever Dog Lying on the Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Breeder's Digest for November 2011

Litter Announcements
Labrador Retrievers
- 11/2/11 Pike x Neva – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “C”
- 11/4/11 McKinley x Lapis – 2 males – litter letter “E”
- 11/12/11 Bosworth x Honor – 6 males, 2 females – litter letter “G”
- 11/16/11 Curt x Holly – 2 males, 4 females – litter letter “W”
- 11/17/11 Alonzo x Cynthia – 1 male, 1 female – litter letter “R”
- 11/19/11 Shane x Pia – 3 males, 2 females – litter letter “S”
- 11/21/11 Atrus x Wanda – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “D”
- 11/21/11 Bosworth x Nerita – 5 males, 4 females – litter letter “P”
- 11/27/11 Alonzo x Reann – 2 males, 3 females – litter letter “B”
New Breeders
Golden Retrievers
- Leigh – raised in CA
- Nigella – raised in UT
Lab/Golden Cross
- Trumpet – raised in OR
Monday, January 30, 2012
Wag the Blog Begins!
Welcome to Wag's shiny new blog! We're shaking things up a bit to usher in the new year...simplifying things a bit. Please bear with us as we complete the changes.
The calendar of events should be changed by February 6th. If you have any questions at all about seminars or social nights in the meantime, please give us a shout at 613-730-4647.
Happy New Year!
The calendar of events should be changed by February 6th. If you have any questions at all about seminars or social nights in the meantime, please give us a shout at 613-730-4647.
Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sleeping Happy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Sleeping Happy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Sleeping Happy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Sleeping Happy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Friday, January 27, 2012
Great Hairy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Great Hairy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Great Hairy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Great Hairy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Amongst the Towering Redwoods
Enjoying nature with your best friends is something to be thankful for! One of the cherished outings for GDB students in training is a trip to the magnificant redwoods at Muir Woods with their canine cohorts. Above, Chris Divers with black Lab Sirius. Below, Cecilia von Beroldingen with yellow Lab Krissa, Yonah with his black Lab guide and Jeff Harrington with yellow Lab Lucas.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dalmatian White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Dalmatian White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Dalmatian White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Dalmatian White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Breeder's Digest for October 2011

Labrador Retrievers
- 10/5/11 Pike x Catina – 5 males, 2 females – litter letter “L”
- 10/8/11 Jenkins x Suzanne – 4 males, 2 females – litter letter “K”
- 10/9/11 Curt x Charity – 3 males, 5 females – litter letter “P”
- 10/14/11 Hurley x Dorena – 3 males, 2 females – litter letter “R”
- 10/17/11 Dylan x Paulina – 3 males, 5 females – litter letter “T”
- 10/18/11 Pike x Carlita – 3 males, 3 females – litter letter “S”
- 10/19/11 Alonzo x Norma – 2 males, 3 females – litter letter “W” (no pictures available)
- 10/23/11 Atrus x Darice – 3 males, 2 females – litter letter “V”
- 10/27/11 Pike x Bettymae – 3 males, 5 females – litter letter “B”
- 10/28/11 Carnegie x Dolly – 5 males, 2 females – litter letter “D”
- 10/31/11 Jay x Heloise – 1 male – litter letter “Z” (included in pictures with “Pandy” litter; raised by “Pandy”)
- 10/31/11 Piedmont x Pandy – 1 male, 4 females – litter letter “F” (Plus 1 Jay x Heloise pup)
- 10/5/11 Macallan x Kaylee – 5 males, 4 females – litter letter “M”
- 10/8/11 Preston x Devine – 2 males, 6 females – litter letter “N”
Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross
New Breeders
Labrador Retrievers
Labrador Retrievers
- Abigail – raised in CA
- Cava – raised in CA
- Juleen – raised in CA
- Kiva – raised in WA
- Tally – raised in CA
- Yoga – raised in CO
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A Graduation of Epic Proportions!

Once upon a time, there was a little yellow Lab puppy named Epic.

and before we knew it, he graduated as a Guide Dog.
Here he is on the graduation stage with his new lifelong partner, April Smith
and his puppy raiser, Darleene Decrescenzo.
They are joined here by Epic's mom Belle, a retired GDB breeder
(wearing the red collar) and his sister Estee, a new breeder.
Epic and Estee were members of Belle’s litter,
home-schooled by Ken and Nancy Schopp.
And that's the beauty of GDB graduations...
They bring together the whole family!
This one was especially moving, as it was the last graduation in
our dormitory on the San Rafael, California, campus.
our dormitory on the San Rafael, California, campus.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Litlle Dog in the Garden Wallpapers Backgrounds
Litlle Dog in the Garden Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Litlle Dog in the Garden Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Litlle Dog in the Garden Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Saturday, January 21, 2012
A Chef Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
A Chef Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see A Chef Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of A Chef Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Faith – the wonder dog
The wonder dog Faith was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. The dog has deformed front legs and luckily for Faith a boy – Ruben - found him before the dog's mother discarded him. The legs needed to be amputated and all the Vets suggested Faith to be killed. Otherwise they thought the dog could never walk.
Jude, Ruben's mother, took a good care of the dog, named him Faith and set a goal - teaching Faith to walk on two legs. Faith was put into a surfing board to let him feel the movements. To strengthen Faith's legs later Jude used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and then rewarded Faith for standing up and jumping around. The other dog at the house also encouraged and persuaded Faith to start walking. And less than an year later – the miracle happened. Faith first learned to balance on just two legs and jump around, and later to even walk like human being.
Faith's story is just another example of strength of the life itself. No matter how imperfect is the body the soul and the will could overcome every obstacle and everyone could enjoy life. Like the dog - Faith – who loves to walk around everywhere now and is an attraction and inspiration for all the people.

Friday, January 20, 2012
A New Leash on Life
by Donna Matern
Shortly before he died, my husband Lee picked out a sweet little Cardigan Welsh Corgi pup for me, in hopes that she would bring me comfort and companionship. Terra has turned out to be all of that and more. She was a star in dog obedience and agility classes, and a fine companion on hikes, working in the yard, riding in the car to visit grandchildren, snoozing by the fire at night: all the attributes we love in our pet dogs.
So it was with a little trepidation that I decided to co-raise a Guide Dog puppy named Visa this past October. After all, Terra is now over 14 years old. I wondered if the new pup would just be too hard on her. I pictured rough play, feeding time issues, fights over toys, competition for my attention, etc. What I didn’t count on at all was this: little old Terra has an entirely new leash on life!
She has been remarkably healthy for most of her life, but in the past year Terra has definitely slowed down. Before Visa arrived on the scene, it was all Terra could do to accompany me down our country lane to the mailbox. She’d make several stops along the way, and on cold mornings she hopped with her two back feet as one, as if it hurt to do a normal trot. Her eyes are clouded with cataracts and her hearing is just about gone. Despite all of these age-related issues, though, Terra never fails go greet me at the door with a wagging tail and happy dance. How could I inflict a squirming mass of Lab puppy on my dear old girl?
At first, Terra tried to ignore the pup, but as anyone knows about Labs, they are not to be denied. So Terra did a little play-fighting, fake-biting, and twirling around for a few minutes, then retired to a neutral corner. Visa wasn’t having any of that. Soon Terra figured out that she could use her doggie-door to make a hasty retreat outside, while Visa stood at the sliding door, baffled by the sudden disappearance of her playmate.
Sparring between the two dogs lessened, while at the same time I often found them just hanging out together, trailing around the yard as a pair, lapping water together, walking down to the mailbox with me in tandem. I left Terra home when I took the pup on longer walks, but then after an experimental outing, I realized that Terra was up to the greater distances, and seemed to relish them. She resumed her old habit of “FRAPping” around the house; “Frantic Rapid Activity Periods”) daring Visa to catch her.
My property is a graveyard for 14 years’ worth of Terra’s treasures: mummified gophers and moles, lizards, snakeskins, parings from the horses’ feet, bones, decayed food from the compost bin, etc. Visa’s arrival here has prompted Terra to resurrect many of these items and basically display them to the pup, but only when Visa is in her crate or on a tie-down. The poor puppy does somersaults and cartwheels at the end of her tie-down, while Terra nuzzles her prized possessions in tantalizing proximity to Visa,but juuuust out of reach.
This morning I was working with Visa on the basketball court, away from all distractions like leaves, sticks and grass. What I didn’t count on was Terra, parading back and forth behind the fence, with an entire ancient, petrified squirrel carcass in her mouth.
My fears that a Lab puppy would be the end of my old corgi have certainly disappeared. Now I’m worried that the old timer is just a little too much for the baby!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Two Brown Dogs in the Barn Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Two Brown Dogs in the Barn Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Two Brown Dogs in the Barn Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Two Brown Dogs in the Barn Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sleeping Puppy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Sleeping Puppy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Sleeping Puppy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Sleeping Puppy Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Visiting a Guide Dog School in Italy
by Annie Doris, Belvedere, CA, raiser of Weslia
Cars, mopeds, and bicycles buzz throughout the city of Florence, Italy. They whiz through stop signs and traffic lights, and they don’t stop for pedestrians. Even for a sighted person the roads are treacherous, and Italy must be one of the most stressful and difficult places for a working guide. One afternoon, we saw a blind woman and her guide dog walking down the narrow crowded cobblestones of Via Corso, and we were surprised and interested to discover that there was a guide dog school nearby.
One day after school, my friend Giuliana and I rang the bell of the Scuola Nazionale Cani Guida per Ciechi di Firenze-Scandicci (National School of Guide Dogs for the Blind in Florence-Scandicci, Italy) and we waited outside the large gate. The lush green plants of the courtyard and the big yellow villa that circled it looked beautiful and refreshing in the hot afternoon. Just as we were buzzed inside, the little padded feet of two Golden/Labrador retrievers rushed to greet us along with their trainers — Ludovica, Soro, and Massimo.
Over a cappuccino, they eagerly asked us questions about how guide dogs are trained in America. They were surprised to learn that Guide Dogs for the Blind has around 300dogs on the San Rafael campus, because their Scuola holds less than 50 dogs at any time, and they “graduate” roughly 25 dogs per year. The Florence Scuola has ten breeders that live in the countryside until they are ready to give birth. They used to use only Labs, but now they also use Goldens because they have found them to be the most obedient and least distracted dogs.
Since 1995, volunteer families around Florence have raised 267 puppies. Much like our program in the US, a puppy in Italy must learn five basic things: to eat at fixed times in his bowl, to do his business outside of the living space, to walk on a leash at the correct gait, to behave politely in public spaces and vehicles, and to not be distracted by city noises. They must be able to respond to the commands “avanti” — forward, “indietro” — backward, “sinistra” — left, and “destra” — right. “ [A puppy] must act like a member of the family, [like] a little ‘bambino’ who is educated and well behaved.”
At 4 months, the puppies are placed with families for socialization and they return to the Scuola kennel every month for a week to be examined and evaluated. At the age of 10-12 months, they are sent to the Scuola to be evaluated as guides and breeders.
The Scuola di Cane Guida program started after World War I when many injured blind veterans came home from the war and needed both guidance and companionship. Dorothy Harrison Eustis, an American woman, played a huge role in helping the guide dog program flourish in both Europe and the US. While working in Switzerland, she and Aurelio Nicolodi founded the Scuola in Florence-Scandicci in 1929; Mrs. Eustis also founded the Seeing Eye program in the US.
While we discussed the history of the Scuola and its program, trainer Soro brought in Lana, a frisky puppy, who surprisingly jumped up on the conference table! Soro explained that Lana’s behavior was because she was not wearing her working harness and was considered a “normal” dog without it. Once he put the harness on her, she transformed into a guide dog and quickly obeyed the commands he issued.
Before we helped feed the dogs, we toured the campus. Picture a bright ochre-colored villa surrounding a garden shaded by cypress trees and green leafy bushes. We walked through the many winding gravel pathways of the garden and saw an overpass of stairs used for training the dogs. There was also an amphitheater where the guide dogs were presented to their new blind owners. We walked inside the villa and observed the dorms of the visually impaired who stayed there for around two weeks while working with their dogs.
We walked to the kennel kitchen on the other side of the campus and loaded the food into the bowls and walked down to the kennel. The dogs howled as they heard the food slosh in their bowls. Just like our guide dogs in the kennels, they stood up on the fence and waited eagerly as we dished each one his meal. They ate feverishly and licked every last drop in less than a minute.
Italian guides must be super dogs because they face such stressful conditions in helping their owners navigate around the city. They might be surprised to come to California where drivers stop for pedestrians. Although the methods of training in Italy might be slightly different, both Italian and American guide dogs are loved and both guide dog groups want to raise the best possible dogs.
Cars, mopeds, and bicycles buzz throughout the city of Florence, Italy. They whiz through stop signs and traffic lights, and they don’t stop for pedestrians. Even for a sighted person the roads are treacherous, and Italy must be one of the most stressful and difficult places for a working guide. One afternoon, we saw a blind woman and her guide dog walking down the narrow crowded cobblestones of Via Corso, and we were surprised and interested to discover that there was a guide dog school nearby.
One day after school, my friend Giuliana and I rang the bell of the Scuola Nazionale Cani Guida per Ciechi di Firenze-Scandicci (National School of Guide Dogs for the Blind in Florence-Scandicci, Italy) and we waited outside the large gate. The lush green plants of the courtyard and the big yellow villa that circled it looked beautiful and refreshing in the hot afternoon. Just as we were buzzed inside, the little padded feet of two Golden/Labrador retrievers rushed to greet us along with their trainers — Ludovica, Soro, and Massimo.
Over a cappuccino, they eagerly asked us questions about how guide dogs are trained in America. They were surprised to learn that Guide Dogs for the Blind has around 300dogs on the San Rafael campus, because their Scuola holds less than 50 dogs at any time, and they “graduate” roughly 25 dogs per year. The Florence Scuola has ten breeders that live in the countryside until they are ready to give birth. They used to use only Labs, but now they also use Goldens because they have found them to be the most obedient and least distracted dogs.
Since 1995, volunteer families around Florence have raised 267 puppies. Much like our program in the US, a puppy in Italy must learn five basic things: to eat at fixed times in his bowl, to do his business outside of the living space, to walk on a leash at the correct gait, to behave politely in public spaces and vehicles, and to not be distracted by city noises. They must be able to respond to the commands “avanti” — forward, “indietro” — backward, “sinistra” — left, and “destra” — right. “ [A puppy] must act like a member of the family, [like] a little ‘bambino’ who is educated and well behaved.”
At 4 months, the puppies are placed with families for socialization and they return to the Scuola kennel every month for a week to be examined and evaluated. At the age of 10-12 months, they are sent to the Scuola to be evaluated as guides and breeders.
The Scuola di Cane Guida program started after World War I when many injured blind veterans came home from the war and needed both guidance and companionship. Dorothy Harrison Eustis, an American woman, played a huge role in helping the guide dog program flourish in both Europe and the US. While working in Switzerland, she and Aurelio Nicolodi founded the Scuola in Florence-Scandicci in 1929; Mrs. Eustis also founded the Seeing Eye program in the US.
While we discussed the history of the Scuola and its program, trainer Soro brought in Lana, a frisky puppy, who surprisingly jumped up on the conference table! Soro explained that Lana’s behavior was because she was not wearing her working harness and was considered a “normal” dog without it. Once he put the harness on her, she transformed into a guide dog and quickly obeyed the commands he issued.
Before we helped feed the dogs, we toured the campus. Picture a bright ochre-colored villa surrounding a garden shaded by cypress trees and green leafy bushes. We walked through the many winding gravel pathways of the garden and saw an overpass of stairs used for training the dogs. There was also an amphitheater where the guide dogs were presented to their new blind owners. We walked inside the villa and observed the dorms of the visually impaired who stayed there for around two weeks while working with their dogs.
We walked to the kennel kitchen on the other side of the campus and loaded the food into the bowls and walked down to the kennel. The dogs howled as they heard the food slosh in their bowls. Just like our guide dogs in the kennels, they stood up on the fence and waited eagerly as we dished each one his meal. They ate feverishly and licked every last drop in less than a minute.
Italian guides must be super dogs because they face such stressful conditions in helping their owners navigate around the city. They might be surprised to come to California where drivers stop for pedestrians. Although the methods of training in Italy might be slightly different, both Italian and American guide dogs are loved and both guide dog groups want to raise the best possible dogs.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Twin Dogs on Trailer Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Twin Dogs on Trailer Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Twin Dogs on Trailer Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Twin Dogs on Trailer Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Friday, January 13, 2012
Cute Dog on Pink Sofa Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Dog on Pink Sofa Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Dog on Pink Sofa Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Dog on Pink Sofa Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Fashionable Dog Clothes - Tiny Dogs
It is not a doubtful or strange thing to put clothes, lush designed and fashionable dog clothes on your tiny dogs. Many of you may be skeptical of tiny dogs clothing but believe me, it’s fun and interesting thing. Your tiny dogs also need fine and line stitched clothes. Do you want you tiny dog will be the best dressed tiny dog in your surroundings?
Definitely you will. Come and search new ways to pamper your tiny dog with new and luxurious cloths. We are giving you some very brand new tiny dogs fashion apparels which will make your tiny dogs more stylish, fashionable and chic ever before.
Summary: Like you, your tiny dogs also want to wear fashionable dog clothes, stylish dog apparels and branded attires to look audacious, fashionable and trendy. Dog clothing is not a skeptical thing to think.
Article: Suppose you are passing from a lavish shopping mall which has number of dog clothes, dog style accessories and other fashionable stuff for dogs especially for tiny dogs. By seeing all this, what next point comes in your mind? Definitely, your mind goes to your own tiny dog and you want to buy all these stylish stuff for your tiny dogs so that your cute little tiny dogs will grab the attention of your jealous neighborhood and will be center of attraction.
Stylish dog clothes for tiny dogs range from formal to informal tiny dogs clothes, hoodies, jumpsuit, jackets, shirts, skirts, rain coats, vests, sweaters and many more fashionable attires.
These tiny dogs clothes will definitely add a flair of fashion and hot couture to your tiny dogs wardrobe. Here is a complete picture gallery of voguish and classy clothes for your tiny dogs. So, without wasting a single moment, come and search new and exciting tiny dogs clothes for your cute little dogs.
Fashionable dog clothes for tiny dogs: First thing we discuss with you is your tiny dogs wedding attires :) Looking unique and awesome Na....?
Summary: Like you, your tiny dogs also want to wear fashionable dog clothes, stylish dog apparels and branded attires to look audacious, fashionable and trendy. Dog clothing is not a skeptical thing to think.

Article: Suppose you are passing from a lavish shopping mall which has number of dog clothes, dog style accessories and other fashionable stuff for dogs especially for tiny dogs. By seeing all this, what next point comes in your mind? Definitely, your mind goes to your own tiny dog and you want to buy all these stylish stuff for your tiny dogs so that your cute little tiny dogs will grab the attention of your jealous neighborhood and will be center of attraction.
Stylish dog clothes for tiny dogs range from formal to informal tiny dogs clothes, hoodies, jumpsuit, jackets, shirts, skirts, rain coats, vests, sweaters and many more fashionable attires.
These tiny dogs clothes will definitely add a flair of fashion and hot couture to your tiny dogs wardrobe. Here is a complete picture gallery of voguish and classy clothes for your tiny dogs. So, without wasting a single moment, come and search new and exciting tiny dogs clothes for your cute little dogs.
Fashionable dog clothes for tiny dogs: First thing we discuss with you is your tiny dogs wedding attires :) Looking unique and awesome Na....?
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