Monday, July 16, 2012

Pasta Power!

By GDB alumna Megan Miller with Guide Dog Pasta
Megan and Pasta in their caps and gowns

Pasta and I have been having a great summer. In May, I graduated with my Masters degree in criminal justice from California State University, Long Beach. Pasta accompanied me to school for the last semester of my Bachelor's degree, and then for my entire masters program. It was only fitting that she was with me at graduation! One of my professors made her a cap, gown and hood to match my own, and Pasta actually liked wearing them!

To add to this special day, her puppy raisers drove down for the ceremony, and afterword, they took the entire celebratory crowd out to dinner (which included my boyfriend, Ethan, his Guide Dog, River, and Ethan's aunt). Pasta loved seeing her puppy raisers again (it had been more than three years since we'd seen them last). It was a terrific day for us all.
A couple weeks later, Pasta and I visited my family back in Iowa. Like always, she did great on the airplanes, and she was very happy to see all of my family. Pasta's favorite part of the vacation was playing in the kiddy pool Dad had purchased for his dog. Pasta didn't mind that it was really small and that she couldn't actually swim; she made it work for her as this video shows!

Now that we're back home, Pasta's still doing great. She was very happy to see Ethan and River, not to mention my cats, Tofu and Cookie, whom she loves. And, she's happy to be going back to the Cal State Long Beach campus where I'm working part-time. It makes me smile to think of how happy Pasta is no matter what we do, and I just had to share these extra special moments to say thank you to GDB and her puppy raisers for blessing me with such a special and fun-loving dog.

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