Friday, April 17, 2015

The Cutest Exotic Pet You Can Own

If you’re wondering what’s the cutest, most adorable exotic pet you can own, hands down the answer is… a sloth. Looking at this slow-moving, tree-dwelling Amazonian mammal, you’d swear it is smiling back at you. And how many friends do you have that own a sloth for a pet? Probably you’ll be the first in your group. So after buying that exotic pet insurance, prepare for the deluge of visitors who want to see your exotic pet.

Does a Sloth Make a Good Pet

Though sloths are slow, they more than make up their speed with their personality. Sloths are very affectionate pets. Cradling one is almost like cradling an infant. In fact, sloths particularly love to play peek-a-boo, like babies! They love to hide under blankets, seemingly saying “Come find me if you can.” And because sloths are slow, you wouldn’t have problem about them escaping and ransacking your closet like other exotic pets do. Sloths are great around young children also; they may have somewhat sharp claws, they don’t use it to claw on people. And sloths love to be bathed and blow dried; the animals are very clean despite being so hairy.

Housing a Pet Sloth

Sloths are tree dwellers doing most of their business high up on tree branches: eating, sleeping, mating, and all the works. In your house, your sloth would appreciate if you can put a tall cage with a couple of fake trees in it. Put ropes and a hammock in to serve as your sloth’s cozy bed. But, like other house pets, sloths will eventually learn to love your house too. So expect your sloth to be comfortable in your sofa, bed, or in your heated bathtub once it’s domesticated enough.

Exotic Pet Insurance

And to ensure everything runs smoothly, don’t forget to purchase an exotic pet insurance for your sloth. No matter how you care for your sloth, sooner or later, your pet is bound to need an exotic pet veterinarian whose fee could run up to your neck. An exotic pet insurance should take care of this matter for you.

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