Dog and Red Rose Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Dog and Red Rose Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Dog and Red Rose Flower Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Old Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Old Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Old Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Old Photo Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Pure White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Pure White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Pure White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Pure White Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, June 25, 2012
The FBI Welcomes Guide Dogs for the Blind
The FBI Portland Division held a Diversity Awareness Day on June 12. GDB alumnus Mark Francis and Puppy Raiser Kent Ellard represented GDB and spoke about the different aspects of our organization from puppy raising to coming to campus to train with a Guide Dog.
“I really like the fact that we were able to speak as a team,” said Mark. “A graduate and a puppy raiser together, because this helps tell the whole story. We were able to discuss the before and after and everything in between. There was a wide range of inquires and people cared enough to ask really good questions. Overall, it was a great opportunity.” Kent has raised seven puppies for GDB and his current puppy in training, Pegasus, accompanied him at the podium.
Adelina Wildy, FBI staff operations specialist, had this to say: “It was perfect and a big hit. I can say with confidence that everyone in the audience enjoyed the presentation and thought highly of both presenters.”
Will Guide Dog Puppy Pilaf Win the Hero Dog Awards?
Pilaf is the twelfth puppy I have raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Two years ago, my husband and I started a web series called Growing Up Guide Pup. We thought that it would be fun to document and share our experience puppy raising. We gained a lot of fans, especially those who use guide dogs or were interested in getting a guide of their own, or people who were interested in becoming puppy raisers.
We decided to conitue the show and do another season with a new puppy, Pilaf is that puppy. She is helping us to continue to educate people how guides are started. Many people believe that working dogs are forced to work and never have any fun. Pilaf is helping to show the world that Guide Dogs are raised with love, not manufactured. They are encouraged to work because it's fun, not forced because they have to.
We have recieved messages from all over the world about how our show has helped people decide to get a guide dog, now understanding all the work that goes into them. We have also had people tell us that they want to become puppy raisers because of the show.
Pilaf is a great puppy to show that anything is possible. She started off as a very timid puppy, afraid of the world around her. But she is proving that with some encouragement and guidence she is overcoming her fears. -- Amie Chapman of Hayward, California.
Will Guide Dog Puppy Pilaf win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
We decided to conitue the show and do another season with a new puppy, Pilaf is that puppy. She is helping us to continue to educate people how guides are started. Many people believe that working dogs are forced to work and never have any fun. Pilaf is helping to show the world that Guide Dogs are raised with love, not manufactured. They are encouraged to work because it's fun, not forced because they have to.
We have recieved messages from all over the world about how our show has helped people decide to get a guide dog, now understanding all the work that goes into them. We have also had people tell us that they want to become puppy raisers because of the show.
Pilaf is a great puppy to show that anything is possible. She started off as a very timid puppy, afraid of the world around her. But she is proving that with some encouragement and guidence she is overcoming her fears. -- Amie Chapman of Hayward, California.
Will Guide Dog Puppy Pilaf win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
About Dogs Breeds
About Dogs Breeds
Thank you for visiting an incredibly fresh and exciting information about dogs breeds. Here you will discover information regarding any kind of dog breeds by a single click. We are not claiming of the best ever information about dog breedsl at internet, our dog’s information, dog’s fact sheets, dog’s breeds lists and other creative stuff on dogs say it all. Now what and why are you waiting for? Go ahead and search information about dogs, dog’s breeds, dog’s types, dog’s training, dog’s behaviours, their nature, temperament and many more interesting details on dogs, only dogs. We simply gather all around the world knowledge regarding dogs at this special and top notch dog breeds for every one of you who loves dogs and want to own dogs. It is the time for you to surf around our is about dogs breeds.Information about dogs breeds
Dogs are the most faithful, loyal, affectionate and trustworthy animal for human beings from centuries. Around 14,000 years, dogs have been the most dominant and reliable pet for man. Long ago, dogs were used as domestic animals or friend by human beings as a source of food, fur, protection, hunting and driving. History is the witness that the use of dogs in taming started some 30,000 years ago. The evidence shows that the process of this classification of dogs into different dogs breeds were started by and found in several upper European Paleolithic sites. Medium to large dog breeds were identified in Germany and Ukraine in 17,000 to 13,000 Cal BP, medium sized dog breeds are in Syria, Israel and Iraq in 15,500 to 11, 000 Cal BP while small dog breeds were identified in France, Switzerland, Spain and Germany in 15,000 to 12,300 Cal. BP.
Gradually the dog breeds were used in many ways. They were not restricted to domestication. Now, the dogs are used in many fields like guarding, police, other Para military and military forces. Security and detection companies also prefer to use dogs because of their unteachable and exceptional sensing abilities. Dogs were classified into different breeds according to their origin, physical appearance, nature, characteristics, abilities and, skills and inherent instincts. Because the dogs were not limited to only domestication but they were also used in many other ways of life.
After this classification about dogs breeds are further classified into many more dog breeds according to their type, characteristics and abilities. The general information about dogs and different kind of dog breeds tells us more about these dogs. A common feature or instinct of the dogs is their loyalty and faithfulness to human beings. The dogs can shed their life to save their masters from any unusual happening and accident. They not only serve as a protector and a guard but also glorify your solitude with their best companionship.
Another most important common instinct of the dogs is their willing and trustworthy nature. They can’t let you alone even if you become harsh or rude sometimes. They are not like us who become rude and mean if not treated well. These faithful and loyal dogs make strong and affectionate bond with their masters and their families that they often shed tears if their masters leave them or give them to any other owner.
The common information about all types and kinds of dogs also reveals us that despite of their courageous, daring, fearless, impudent, sturdy, strong and forceful appearance, these dogs have a very sensitive and playful heart. Any type or kind of dog wants to embrace, snuggle, jiggle and grip by his owner. These playful, jolly and lively dogs are also found of children. They love to play with kids in many games such as Frisbee, throw ball, and fetch games and other activates.
Alike all other animals and tame animals, these loyal and faithful pets, superb guards and protectors and a hard working assistant of man also need your care, gentle touch and time. Don’t ignore these cute and friendly dog breeds and reduce up your gloomy solitude and isolated atmosphere by bringing these cuddly, honest, lovable and adorable buddies. After all, you also don’t like this loneliness and aloofness of yours for long time. So, feel free to surf around the special information about dogs breed to get the direct link with your beautiful, loyal, affectionate and long lasting companion.
Enjoy a cheerful future with your lovely new dogs, which you can get after going through to your superior and first of its kind about Dogs breeds.
Dogs and Cats Photo Wallpaper
Dogs and Cats Photo Wallpaper , here you can see Dogs and Cats Photo Wallpaper or download picture of Dogs and Cats Photo Wallpaper on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Friday, June 22, 2012
Cute Little Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Little Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Little Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Little Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Here's a round-up of some recent stories in the news about our alumni and puppy raisers.
Ann Taylor Tells Blind Woman Her Guide Dog Isn't Allowed in the Store
And in other news....
Future guide dogs get puppy pat downsGoing to the Dogs; Local Students are Puppy Trainers for Guide Dog Program
(Oakdale Leader, Oakdale, CABritish Columbia, Canada)
Gift puts visually impaired Penticton woman in the driver's seat
(Penticton Western News, British Columbia, Canada)
Leading the way; Durango volunteers raise puppies to guide the blind
(Durango Telegraph, Durango, CO)
Guide Dogs for the Blind brings puppies to Lemoore
(Hanford Sentinel, Hanford, CA)
Quilts Sewn for Servicemen, Women
(GDB pup Pernilla is pictured with raiser Nancy Bloyer, a member of the quilt guild. San Clemente Times, San Clemente, CA)
![]() |
Yellow Lab Guide Dog Cricket, from |
Ann Taylor apologizes for kicking guide dog out of store
Ann Taylor says it was misinformed the first time it issued a statement on Guide Dogs
And in other news....
Future guide dogs get puppy pat downs
(Oakdale Leader, Oakdale, CABritish Columbia, Canada)
Gift puts visually impaired Penticton woman in the driver's seat
(Penticton Western News, British Columbia, Canada)
Leading the way; Durango volunteers raise puppies to guide the blind
(Durango Telegraph, Durango, CO)
Guide Dogs for the Blind brings puppies to Lemoore
(Hanford Sentinel, Hanford, CA)
Quilts Sewn for Servicemen, Women
(GDB pup Pernilla is pictured with raiser Nancy Bloyer, a member of the quilt guild. San Clemente Times, San Clemente, CA)
Cute Puppies Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Puppies Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Puppies Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Puppies Running Together Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, June 18, 2012
Will Guide Dog Pasta Win the Hero Dog Awards?

Ever since receiving Pasta from Guide Dogs for the Blind, my life has changed. When I used my cane, I felt insecure. I hated traveling at night; I avoided going out in the rain when possible because the noise made listening to my surroundings challenging and I never just went for pleasure walks.
With Pasta, I take pleasure walks, travel at night, ride the bus, go to stores and restaurants, and even go out in the rain! I don’t have to worry about running into something, misreading traffic or tripping. Pasta guides me around obstacles, stops for changes in elevation and refuses to go if it is unsafe.
Pasta makes me feel a level of confidence that I have never known before. One day, a passerby said, “When I see you walking, I don’t think of you as disabled.” And, with Pasta, I don’t feel that way.
Pasta gives me the freedom to do anything. If I get lost, as I did mere months after receiving Pasta, all I have to do is say “Let’s go home,” and she’ll take me there, as she did that very first time four years ago. If we are crossing a street and a car turns in front of us without looking, she’ll stop and push me out of the way, as she has on several occasions.
But Pasta is more than my Guide Dog; she is my friend, cuddle-bug and so much more that words cannot describe. I love her with all my heart. -- Megan Miller of Long Beach, California
Will Guide Dog Pasta win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
With Pasta, I take pleasure walks, travel at night, ride the bus, go to stores and restaurants, and even go out in the rain! I don’t have to worry about running into something, misreading traffic or tripping. Pasta guides me around obstacles, stops for changes in elevation and refuses to go if it is unsafe.
Pasta makes me feel a level of confidence that I have never known before. One day, a passerby said, “When I see you walking, I don’t think of you as disabled.” And, with Pasta, I don’t feel that way.
Pasta gives me the freedom to do anything. If I get lost, as I did mere months after receiving Pasta, all I have to do is say “Let’s go home,” and she’ll take me there, as she did that very first time four years ago. If we are crossing a street and a car turns in front of us without looking, she’ll stop and push me out of the way, as she has on several occasions.
But Pasta is more than my Guide Dog; she is my friend, cuddle-bug and so much more that words cannot describe. I love her with all my heart. -- Megan Miller of Long Beach, California
Will Guide Dog Pasta win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Dog on Green Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Dog on Green Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Dog on Green Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Dog on Green Grass Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Cute Baby Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Cute Baby Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Cute Baby Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Cute Baby Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Dog and A Red Shoe Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Dog and A Red Shoe Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Dog and A Red Shoe Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Dog and A Red Shoe Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
GDB History: Stories of Sgt. Leonard Foulk

"Blondie was ready at any moment to do the job that she was trained for, and Leonard was eternally grateful for her service and her friendship," said Bonnie. "She was ALWAYS there for him."
Bonnie relates that there was a defining moment when Leonard really developed his 'blind' trust for Blondie. It came as they were walking in a familiar place in San Francisco, and Leonard doubted one of Blondie's actions. "Blondie did something to indicate that Leonard should move over and he ignored her," Bonnie said. Urging her forward, Blondie once again tried to signal Leonard to move over. "He ignored her yet again, and as they moved forward at his insistence, Leonard ran right into a light pole, striking his head." Bonnie said that was the one and only time he ignored Blondie's signals.
"Without Blondie," Bonnie said, "I am not sure what he would have done in those first few years of blindness. Adjusting to being blind was difficult, but having Blondie as his constant, loyal companion - taking Leonard wherever he wanted to go - allowed him full independence that he would not have had otherwise. This was truly a wonderful gift and a blessing. Leonard traveled with her, ate with her, slept by her ... Blondie was his best friend. Blondie gave him something to care for, to get up for, and to start a new day even if he did not want to. She was his responsibility and he would not do anything that might be detrimental in caring for her. She probably saved his life, and he knew this as well as did our family. Although he did not work, he became an accomplished wood worker, learned to play the banjo, and spent many hours listening to books on tape. He lived a full rewarding life, enjoying his family, friends and hobbies thanks to Blondie and the Guide Dogs for the Blind."
As the years passed, Leonard didn't use Blondie quite as much for his mobility as he did in the beginning of their partnership. By the time Blondie was 9 or 10 years old she pretty much was just a wonderful companion and no longer a working Guide Dog. "She was getting old and was having difficulty getting up and down," said Bonnie. In her retirement, "Blondie got to enjoy being lazy and spoiled. In 1955 or 56, much to everyone's dismay, Blondie went outside and disappeared. For weeks we looked for her, the community joining in, but she was never located. It was very difficult for him to lose her as they had been through so much together and he was quite devastated for some time."

Bonnie and Holly both said that Leonard rarely talked about the war or the actual injury that he sustained that caused his blindness. His family learned many of the details from his book, "Still My World." Holly relates: "From what I have read in his book, I am sure his confidence and determination was developed when he began training with his Guide Dog, Blondie."
Holly has nothing but the fondest memories of her dear Papa. "He was well-loved and respected by so many people. He was kind and generous to everyone he met. Papa had a workshop in the back of the house that he built with the help of his good neighbor who was a contractor. He loved that shop and spent many hours working in it. It had a million tools - he could build anything. I would spend hours with him in the shop learning how to use different tools. To this day, I think I know how know about tools than my husband does!
"One summer he built a drying rack for meat and fruit. For Christmas, everyone received jerky and peaches from his garden - a gift we looked forward to each year! When it was cool outside, he would sit by the shop's wood burning stove and play his banjo. I loved hearing him play and to this day when I hear or see a banjo, I think of him."
Holly isn't exactly sure when she realized that Leonard was blind (Blondie was gone by the time Holly was born). He was so accomplished in all that he did, the thought never occurred to her as a young child. "We would take walks to the mailbox located at the very far end of his gravel driveway," she said. "He would hold my hand like any other grandfather did, but I didn't realize I was his eyes, guiding him since there were no walls to trace. To me it was just taking a walk with Papa, something I loved to do."
Holly also is grateful for the many life lessons that she learned from Leonard. "My grandfather literally saved every spare penny that he had to pay for my college education, something he never had," Holly said. "He would take his change out of his pocket at the end of the day and walk to the coffee can that was stored in a cupboard and drop the coins in, telling me that someday I would use it for school. And I did. He inspired me to go to college and get my degree, something I wanted for myself and for him. He inspired me to never give up on something I really want."
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
First of Its Kind Adaptive Rowing Camp… a Huge Success
By Aerial Gilbert, Outreach Manager at Guide Dogs for the Blind and former National Adaptive Rowing Team athlete
A landmark rowing development camp for veterans and civilians that are blind, visually impaired or have physical disabilities took place May 20-25 in Oklahoma City. Ten men and one woman, 80 percent of whom had a direct connection with the military, traveled from around the country to the Devon Boathouse, home of the Oklahoma City National High Performance Center. The participants' experience with rowing ranged from totally new to the sport to experienced rowers. Over the course of the camp, all of the athletes transformed their technique dramatically, starting with basic technique on the rowing machines to learn the stroke, advancing to the world’s first dynamic indoor rowing tank, and then progressing to rowing on the river in shells. By the end of camp, participants were rowing by all eight and really moving the boat. Griffin Lynch, who rows for his college team at the University of North Carolina, said, “We weren’t rowing by all eight for three months in my novice year!"
Rich Cardillo, head of the Military Sports Program at USABA, spent a couple of days observing camp and explained the Paralympic Military Program where the Veterans Administration provides a stipend for potential Paralympic athletes that meet the standard for one of the Paralympic sports. All of the participants worked very hard over the five days but also had a lot of fun as well. At the wrap-up at the end of camp, Sklar Lao (a wounded veteran) told the group, “I have been doing four types of therapy this past year for balance, physical therapy and speech -- rowing has it all; I want to do it more!”
The coaching staff for the event included: Garrett Klugh, World Champion and Olympic rower; Matt Muffelman, Adaptive Rowing Coach and former US National Team athlete; Marina Traub, collegiate rowing coach; and myself. Garrett, the program coordinator for the event, said, “This camp exceeded our expectations in every way. We are extremely appreciative of the generosity of the Devon Boathouse to allow us to use this world class facility. This was truly a remarkable group of people supported by great partners. I could not be more pleased with the camp and how it evolved. This group really set the standard high for the future.”
The camp was sponsored by the United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA) in partnership with USRowing, Disabled Sports USA and U.S. Paralympics. Grant funding for this program was awarded by U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic Committee, through funding provided by the Veterans Affairs and Disabled Sports USA. The grants are provided to facilitate the growth of Paralympic sport programming for disabled Veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces.
Breeder's Digest for March 2012
Litter Announcements
Labrador Retrievers
- 3/1/11 Joplin x Fleur – 3 males, 2 female – litter letter “W”
- 3/1/11 Simon x Jova – 3 males, 4 females – litter letter “B”
- 3/3/11 Shane x Rupee – 4 males, 4 females – litter letter “C”
- 3/3/11 Tito x Pomona – 2 males, 1 female – litter letter “Z”
- 3/6/11 Vernon x Beverly – 3 males, 4 females – litter letter “S”
- 3/10/11 Joplin x Hestia – 5 males, 3 female – litter letter “F”
- 3/20/11 Joplin x Pisa – 1 male – litter letter “E”
- 3/30/11 Curt x Tally – 7 males, 2 females – litter letter “L”
- 3/30/11 Simon x Dorcella – 4 males, 3 females – litter letter “G”
- 3/8/11 Simon x Tess – 4 males, 4 females – litter letter “D”
- 3/21/11 David x Nigella – 4 males, 6 females – litter letter “H”
- 3/26/11 Astro x Garcelle – 1 male, 4 females – litter letter “K”
New Breeders
Labrador Retrievers
- Shawn – raised in CA
- Ardella – raised in CA
Sleeping Time Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Sleeping Time Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Sleeping Time Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Sleeping Time Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, June 11, 2012
Will Guide Dog K9 Buddy Natura Win the Hero Dog Awards?
It's been a year since Zach Thibodeaux, a 9-year-old third-grader, was diagnosed with cone-rod dystrophy, an incurable disease rapidly taking his vision. Natura, a K9 Buddy dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind, based in San Rafael, California, became a part of Zach’s life on New Year's Day.
A K9 Buddy provides children who are visually impaired with canine companions.It teaches them the responsibility of having a dog, so when it’s time to receive a guide dog they know how to care for and live with a dog.
Zach is learning to be in charge of Natura’s behavior and well-being. He attends classes with the local Texas puppy raising club to keep up Natura's commands, and learn skills that will benefit him in the future with an actual working guide dog.
Natura was on her way toward becoming a Guide Dog, but couldn't handle public transportation, so she was then placed in the K9 Buddy program. Due to the transportation issue, we were afraid that the the flights she’d have to take from Northern California to Dallas would be terrifying for her, so volunteers drove her all the way from San Francisco to Dallas in time for a surprise presentation to Zach on New Year's Day. Zach and Natura have bonded beautifully and have become a wonderful part of the Lone Star Puppy Raising Club.
Read more about Natura by following all the stories on the K9 Buddy Train!

Will Guide Dog K9 Buddy Natura win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! You can vote once a day, and be sure to spread the word!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Snow Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds
Snow Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Snow Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Snow Dog Photo Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Friday, June 8, 2012
Calm Brown Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Calm Brown Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Calm Brown Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Calm Brown Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Two Dogs in the Lake Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds
Two Dogs in the Lake Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Two Dogs in the Lake Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Two Dogs in the Lake Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Monday, June 4, 2012
Will Guide Dog Joan Win the Hero Dog Awards?
Joan displayed her incredible service while we were training [at Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California]. During the last week of training, Joan and I were walking the streets in search of a store, but Joan stopped at an alley. I told Joan "hop up", which means pay attention. Joan completely ignored my command, and pushed me back to the sidewalk. At that exact moment, a car was racing at us and did not see us until the driver was right beside us. Joan saved my life, knowing that it was not safe to cross the street, which is called intelligent disobedience!
Ever since that time, Joan has given her life to serving and protecting me. Many doors have been opened because of my dog. When Joan is not working with me, we often visit mentally and handicapped children, giving therapy whenever she can. Joan is my hero, please consider her as the guide dog hero of 2012. --Jessica Keel of Umatilla, Florida
Will Guide Dog Joan win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Ever since that time, Joan has given her life to serving and protecting me. Many doors have been opened because of my dog. When Joan is not working with me, we often visit mentally and handicapped children, giving therapy whenever she can. Joan is my hero, please consider her as the guide dog hero of 2012. --Jessica Keel of Umatilla, Florida
Will Guide Dog Joan win the Hero Dog Awards? Only if you vote! Vote every day and be sure to share!
Little Black Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds
Little Black Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Little Black Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Little Black Dog Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
Sunday, June 3, 2012
WAG's "Who's the Daddy?" Contest!
WAG's second dog has been released and is open for guesses on our Facebook Page (Wag Pet Shop).
Meet Athena, a WAG client of mixed-heritage.
Contest RULES:
1. Owners are asked not to guess the breeds of their own dog, but are encouraged to participate in guessing the breeds of other dogs.
1. Owners are asked not to guess the breeds of their own dog, but are encouraged to participate in guessing the breeds of other dogs.
2. One entry per person, but each person is allowed to guess for each dog.
3. Each dog is comprised of 3 breeds (at least), so be sure to make a guess of 3 different breeds (e.g. Yorkie, Chihuahua, Maltese). Person who most closely guesses the 3 dominant breeds found in the dog will win.
4. In the event that multiple people guess the breeds of dog correctly, their names will be entered into a draw with one winner selected.
5. There will be a total of 3 dogs featured (1 per week), with 1 winner per dog.
6. Contest entries must be made via Wag Pet Shop’s Facebook page (just “like” us to participate!).
7. Entries must be made each Friday by no later than 5pm.
7. Entries must be made each Friday by no later than 5pm.
Click on the Facebook Logo below to be redirected to our Facebook Page, and "like" us in order to participate in our contest!
Entries for Athena (Dog #2) should be submitted no later than 5pm on Friday June 8. Prize to be announced soon!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Wild Black Dog Desktop Wallpapers Backgrounds
Wild Black Dog Desktop Wallpapers Backgrounds , here you can see Wild Black Dog Desktop Wallpapers Backgrounds or download picture of Wild Black Dog Desktop Wallpapers Backgrounds on this Dogs Wallpapers Backgrounds website
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