Dear Guide Dogs -

I would like to submit a heartwarming story about the Guide Dog I raised. Doris was my first Guide Dog puppy and needless to say, I was somewhat apprehensive on starting this new venture since I wasn't sure I would do everything right to make her successful in becoming a guide. I was really blessed to have received such a wonderful puppy and she always made us so proud of her accomplishments. She breezed through the formal training program and graduated from the California campus on June 19, 2010. She was presented to Rebecca Missig of New Orleans, La., who fell in love with her upon their first meeting. (Rebecca and Doris are pictured, right.)
I received the following message from Rebecca regarding an encounter she and Doris had at a store. It really shows how these dogs not only touch the lives of their partners, but other people who have lost their sight and have not yet been introduced to Guide Dogs for the Blind. Rebecca writes:
"Doris made a little girl very happy today. My mother and I were shopping and a woman came up to ask if she could let her granddaughter pet Doris. I started with the initial "she is in harness" schpiel I have gotten used to saying at this point. The woman went on to tell me that her granddaughter was totally blind and 4 years old. Her parents have already started talking to her about getting a guide dog when she gets older. I couldn't help it and I took Doris's harness off so she could pet her. The little girl was a premature baby and never had sight at all, and just squealed when she was petting Doris. It made me so happy that I was able to make her day like that with Doris. Doris kissed her on the nose. I chatted with her mom and grandmother for a while about Guide Dogs and a few other blindness issues, and then took a picture before we left. I thought you might like to see Doris helping another blind person beside myself."

I am extremely proud of Doris and fortunate that Rebecca sends me updates on a weekly basis. I would say there are a perfect match.
Thank you,
Barbara Edwards
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