Dean is a 2-year-old hero to many children. He is also a Pet Ambassador for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
I received Dean when he was 10 weeks old, to raise him for Guide Dogs for the Blind. He was career changed at 15 months old, and became part of our forever family.
In December 2011, he was asked to become a mascot and voice for the Douglas C.A.R.E.S Penguin Plunge "Save a Child" event, which is a non-profit that raises awareness and helps children of abuse. He was the only dog in the event with many people, and raised the most money as a individual. He was awarded with special recognition for volunteering "Above and Beyond".
We feel each puppy from Guide Dogs for the Blind, working as a guide for someone visually impaired or career changed as a family pet, has a calling to do something special in helping and serving others. Dean has found a way and will continue to do just that.
Help him in helping Guide Dogs for the Blind, to bring and train more amazing dogs into this world that will help, serve and bring more than smiles to so many. Thank you for considering making Dean your Hero Dog,too! -- Sandi Justis of Roseburg, Oregon
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